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Seeds Mafia to savršeno zna.
Dakle, zato kupujete 5 sjemenki dobivate još 1 kao bonus "hvala!
Za svakih 10 sjemenki dobit ćete 2 sjemena BESPLATNO!
Za svakih 15 sjemenki - 3 sjemena BEZ,
za 20 naručenih sjemenki - 4 sjemena BEZ i
za 25 sjemenki zahvalit ćemo vam s 5 BESPLATNIH sjemenki.
Najbolji dio je što možete slobodno ODOBRATI svoje bonus sjeme ili ćemo staviti iste koje ste stavili u svoj red.
Mate, ne usporavaj i naručite odmah!

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0.00 €

rating Pročitaj 192 recenzije
Prosječna ocjena: 10/10 - Broj recenzija: 192
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  • Sve naše narudžbe zajamčene su i potpuno diskretne!
  • Sve narudžbe šalju se u zatvorenim paketima, otpornim na udarce i oštećenja i bez ikakvih identifikacijskih podataka. U potpunosti ste zaštićeni.
  • Na zahtjev možete otvoriti paket po isporuci!
  • Dostava je BESPLATNA za narudžbe veće od 75 eura.
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Načini plaćanja 

  • Pouzećem
  • PayPal
  • Bitcoin
  • Bankovni transfer

Načini isporuke

  • GLS (1 – 2 dana)  - 8 EUR
  • Slovak Post (3 – 5 dana) - 5 EUR
  • Coletaria (1 – 3 dana)   - 7 EUR


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Serds mafia
Kepe K. on 2025-02-16 A magok minősègèvel elègedett vagyok. Ha nem igy lenne nem lennèk itt.
Димитър К. on 2025-02-13 super
Amar H. on 2025-02-12 Top
Free is good :]
Anton A. on 2025-02-11 Free seeds are always good to receive :]
Seeds mafia
Kepe K. on 2025-02-10 Eddig mind kicsirazott egy ket nap alatt. Volt pár ami befulladt de az az en hibambol. Nagyon örülök a rengeteg ajándèk magnak.
ViCToR N. on 2025-02-06 Thanks for the reward
Thanks a lot!
Mariyan K. on 2025-02-04 Thank you
Lajos S. on 2025-02-04 Nagy boldogság számomra az ajándék seed . ezer hála minden egyes terméketekért!!
Ante K. on 2025-02-02 Bas me zanima kakvo je inagradno sjeme ali vjerujem da je vrhunsko kao sve vase
Zsolt B. on 2025-01-31 Correct gift
Craciun C. on 2025-01-30 Gratis e mereu ceva
Sahzat Constantin M. on 2025-01-22 Gifts make people happy, and this is the gift I love most every time I shop. thanks.
Magyaroszág 6098 Tass Széchenyi út 37
Tamás P. on 2025-01-19 I can't say much about this, I really don't understand it. The seeds are usually beautiful, they are usually quite big, sometimes they are weaker, but sometimes the end result is the most beautiful from the seemingly weakest seed, that can be surprising (I've had this happen before)
Free seeds
Valeria S. on 2025-01-16 Thank you so much for the free seeds I really like it … love it
Siqna T. on 2025-01-13 добар саит барза доставка качествен продукт препоръчвам
Siqna T. on 2025-01-11 супер са особено че дават от съштия сорт от които си зимаш а не квот имат както правят други саитове.
X M. on 2025-01-10 Thanks a lot!
Domagoj M. on 2025-01-09 I respect the way they value their customers by giving free seeds!
Top quality
Silvio V. on 2025-01-09 I will orger again. The best seeds
Németh K. on 2024-12-22 Congratulations. Very good seeds. We love you very much
Free seeds
Ivan B. on 2024-12-20 what to say
Nagyon elégedett vagyok
Farkas S. on 2024-12-20 Nem volt velük probléma főleg az Ak47-el és a white widoval.
nice gesture
Sahzat Constantin M. on 2024-12-20 I do not get wastage from the seeds I buy, but these gifted seeds are extra income in case they are wasted. Thank you mafia.
Камен С. on 2024-12-19 Харесвам много програмата за бонус семена!
Farkas S. on 2024-12-15 Az ajándék magok mindig meg érkeztek köszönöm szépen seedsmafia
Norbert N. on 2024-12-13 Happy.perfect.
Dr. D. Dernek D. on 2024-12-08 Odlično nagrade svoje vjerne kupce i hvala vam na tome
Nenad P. on 2024-12-03 E to je fenomenalno
Free seed with my first order
Andrew F. on 2024-12-02 I didn’t recieve a free seed with this order but have 0.5 seeds in credit. With the previous order I did receive a free seed, it turned in to a beautiful plant
Seeds 5/5 for sure!
 on 2024-11-24 5/5.
Nada G. on 2024-11-12 It's great to get that free.
Seed gift
Dragomir K. on 2024-11-12 Getting a seed as a gift was such a nice surprise! It's exciting to have something with so much potential – can't wait to see how it grows. A unique and meaningful gift for sure!
ingyen mag?
Péter S. on 2024-11-11 ingyen mag mindig jól jön nem de ha esetleg egy nem kelne ki mindig van pótlás
Антон К. on 2024-11-07 Супер са..
Love seeds
Ivan Č. on 2024-11-06 Like it
Free gift
Daniel F. on 2024-11-05 No words needed
Очень вам благодарен
Maksym T. on 2024-11-05 Очень рад за такой подарок если можно что бы это было феминезис
Sándor G. on 2024-11-02 Kifogástalan szállítás, korrekt csomagolás minden rendben ment
X M. on 2024-11-01 Thanks a lot! Excellent
Milán r. on 2024-10-30 Oriasi koszonet
Sahzat Constantin M. on 2024-10-25 These free seeds sent as replacements are very nice. thanks.
Tesztelés alatt
Horváth D. on 2024-10-19 Gyorsan ki pattant remélem szép nagy lányok lesznek
free seeds
Arturs V. on 2024-10-18 appreciate the bonus, thank u
Balint A. on 2024-10-11 Good
I love seeds mafia
Silvio V. on 2024-10-04 The best website
Besser 1 vinnil
Vaclav C. on 2024-09-27 Besser aufkleber Name mit blumen for.... wie das.
Nice add
Eero O. on 2024-09-26 good quality
Imádom nagyon jó!!
Bókkon I. on 2024-09-20 Imádom nagyon jó!!
Győri L. on 2024-09-20 köszönöm szépen
Very nice gift
Zsolt K. on 2024-09-17 A very nice, valuable gift from this high-quality, strong cannabis strain that I like to grow.
Манол Х. on 2024-08-31 Free is good
Gabor V. on 2024-08-23 LovelY
László S. on 2024-08-23 Ez is csodás hogy rendelesem mellé ugyan abból a magból amit rendeltem kaptam egy ajándék magot
Random formula je loša. Ali ok
Ive H. on 2024-08-23 Bilo bi lijepo kad bi nakon veće naruđbe uistinu dobio te besplatne sjemenke. Obzirnije pakirajte sjemenke.
Ákos M. on 2024-08-22 Lsd
Thank you
Кристиян А. on 2024-08-21 Amazing gift from SEEDSMAFIA
Free seed
Bordas D. on 2024-08-19 I guess the chance will be the same like the first three one has.
Ajándék volt
Roland B. on 2024-08-19 Ajándék volt
Thank you
Stanimir S. on 2024-08-17 Thanks for the free seeds, they all germinated.
Lovro S. on 2024-08-16 Odlicno brzo raste i uklapa se u svaki koncept
Ferenc P. on 2024-08-14 ok
Ferenc P. on 2024-08-14 ok
Auto Cherry Blossom
Ferenc P. on 2024-08-14 A fast-growing plant with strong potency
Auto Cherry Blossom
Ferenc P. on 2024-08-14 A fast-growing plant with strong potency
Beleş mal baldan tatlıdır
Sahzat Constantin M. on 2024-08-14 Bu alışverişin bu kısmını çok seviyorum. Ücretsiz verilen her tohum, bir fidana dönüşüyor
Volodymyr H. on 2024-08-08 Посилочку отримав, все в строки, комунікація чудова!
Azad M. on 2024-08-07 One to one free seeds are very beautiful and high quality...
Elvir K. on 2024-08-07 Good
magda L. on 2024-08-05 perfekt
DAFINA N. on 2024-08-04 Perfectt
Lajos S. on 2024-07-31 Párom öt várta a legjobban... Már el is készítette a kis drágaságot hogy 10 hét múlva meg örvendezteti a kis családi hangulatot.
Dinyo D. on 2024-07-29 Good quality. Deliver it with no problems.
Harsányi V. on 2024-07-25 Ki sem merem próbálni. Félek a csalódástól
I love it
Silvio V. on 2024-07-21 High quality
Extra seeds
Silvio V. on 2024-07-20 Thank you for wery good seeds for free
was free
Zsolt H. on 2024-07-15 excellent as the others
Szabolcs P. on 2024-07-13 Minden király
Szalai K. on 2024-07-11 Jó nagyon.
Mindegyik mag tökéletes
Anna L. on 2024-07-11 Gyönyörű magok, mind élettel teli. Nem igényel különösebb figyelmet, teljesen jó.
Újabb ingyen mag
László M. on 2024-07-09 5 AUTO GREEN DEVIL FEMINIZED magot rendeltem legutóbb és most is mint mindig kaptam mellé egy plusz magot.
Ante K. on 2024-07-09 Its good yeald
Love it.
Janos S. on 2024-07-08 Thank you the free seeds.
Evelin N. on 2024-07-08 Szuper genetika nagyon tetszett. Szállítással is meg voltam elégedve. Gyors precíz.
Tünde N. on 2024-07-03 Hát az ajándék magvak se rosszak !! Így tovább
Thanks the gift seeds
Janos S. on 2024-07-02 Thanks the gift seeds
Viktor R. on 2024-07-02 Thanks
gratis seed
Elma B. on 2024-06-28 thanks
Free is great
Manol H. on 2024-06-28 Who doesn't cherish free stuff
Mario S. on 2024-06-27 Thank you for free seed its rly nice from you to doing that.
WIESER M. on 2024-06-26 Wery good
Tombor A. on 2024-06-25 Nagyszerű
Seed gift
Dragomir K. on 2024-06-19 Everybody like gifts, specially seeds
Samuel S. on 2024-06-18 Produkty za výbornu cenu a ešte aj darček k tomu .. vďaka !
Great company
Laura B. on 2024-06-16 You get lots of freebies with this place, many thanks
Norbert N. on 2024-06-15 Thx. So good
Kevin A. on 2024-06-14 Always good.
Can't complain:)
Theo B. on 2024-06-14 Free seeds!? Always much appreciated, you feel the care, makes me want to order here again.
1 free seed!
Joe H. on 2024-06-14 A free extra seed that I gave to my friend in exchange for one of his white widows.
Szijártó S. on 2024-06-13 Thx
Besplatno sjeme
Jurica J. on 2024-06-12 Uvjek dobro dođe
Stipe Š. on 2024-06-06 excelent
Free is good
Gary S. on 2024-05-31 I appreciate the bonuses
Gary S. on 2024-05-28 I really love the bonus and free seeds. I would like to be able to pick specific strains but surprises are great too. Keep it up guys.
Mladen P. on 2024-05-27 Thank you very much
Aleksandras B. on 2024-05-27 You Don't look at gifted horse teeth. Happy to get it as a gift.
antonijo s. on 2024-05-26 Ok
Saša Đ. on 2024-05-22 Tnx
Respect for FREE seeds!
Herkules L. on 2024-05-17 Never seen any shop like this one before. Free seeds and gifts every time. PEACE OUT!
Karlo K. on 2024-05-17 Top
Lajos S. on 2024-05-16 Mindig örömmel fogadom az ajándék magot! Köszi szépen!
Cant wait them to groww
Melih M. on 2024-05-15 Would buy again
Hajas M. on 2024-05-14 Tökéletes minőség csak ajánlani tudom!
Dorian P. on 2024-05-11 Fast growing
Кръстьо Кръстев
Кръстьо К. on 2024-05-11

Не съм доволен от 15 семки само 6 покълнаха


Hello, we are sorry to hear that you are disappointed with our products. There are many details that influence this process. info@seedsmafia - is the email where clients write to us with such problems and none of them remain unsolved. Please write to us.

Talk about great customer service
Gary S. on 2024-05-10 Havent got them in dirt yet but will in 4 weeks. But I can say, SeedMafia is legit, experienced, professional and just a great bunch of people. I wont go anywhere else. Love ya guys
Ivan I. on 2024-05-10 Yeyeye
Free seeds
Herkules L. on 2024-05-09 Respect!
Ferenc K. on 2024-05-09 Minden ok
Awesome support
Daniel N. on 2024-05-08 I asked for a custom seed and they instantly accepted my request. Lovely!
Somlai A. on 2024-05-08
Vrabie I. on 2024-05-07 Foarte interesanta oferta!
Csaba G. on 2024-05-06 Jó kis ajándék
Ferenc K. on 2024-05-05 Jó volt
Manfred K. on 2024-05-05 Very nice
Thats Pretty
Gary S. on 2024-05-01 Friday, friday is all right.
Aida S. on 2024-04-30 Very fast delivery, interesting and elegant packaging. Very good and fertile seed. Already after the third day it germinated, after 5 days the plant emerged from the ground. I am very satisfied.
Papp G. on 2024-04-29 Megnèzzük
Thank you best seed
Kovács K. on 2024-04-28
Siniša M. on 2024-04-26 hvala još jednom
Fake seeds poor service
John C. on 2024-04-26

I bought these "guaranteed seeds" six weeks ago and nothing....I tried to go online and chat but they didn't reply and I sent an email which they also totally ignored


Hello John. You jumped to conclusions too quickly.
We answered your messages, we did not ignore you. and on 30.04.2024 we sent you seeds for free, although we are not sure that it is 100% our fault.

Salvatore N. on 2024-04-24 Not yet sure if all very good
Great little bonus
Kevin M. on 2024-04-21 The more the merrier.
Krasimir M. on 2024-04-20
Kepe K. on 2024-04-17 Nagyon örülök minden ajandek magnak. Szep perceket szereztek mar neke.
Brigitta S. on 2024-04-16 Minden oké gyors és megbízható.
Small problem
Áron S. on 2024-04-15 Some seeds looked smaller, a bit different from others and only 11 out of 18 sprouted while receiving the same care :/
Мехмед А. on 2024-04-15 6
Тодор Т. on 2024-04-14 Супер е да получиш безплатни семена... Браво момчета... Много съм доволен от сайта и бързината на получаване на поръчката...
Free seeds
Anita K. on 2024-04-13 Perfect
It's my plus one
Boyan V. on 2024-04-12 It's jack herer so sry, i have to repeat myself
Atanas L. on 2024-04-12 I am very
Siniša K. on 2024-04-11 Super fast quality service, last year I also bought seeds that were top quality
Always good
Jakov P. on 2024-04-10 Free seeds are always nice
Always worth it
Jakov P. on 2024-04-10 Thanks mafia love from croatia
Seeds good af
Jakov P. on 2024-04-09 Good quality seeds they pop under 40hours and so far so good...5 of them already blooming
Dushko D. on 2024-04-08 My order arrived quick and it was well secured
Free seeds, as good as paid once
Miro D. on 2024-04-08 Love that Programm
Lili H. on 2024-04-08 Im very satisfied!
Željko P. on 2024-04-05 Hvala!
Horváth M. on 2024-03-27 ❤️♥️
Marco Z. on 2024-03-26 I haven't had the chance to try them yet, but they are semi free anyway so they are always welcome.
Free seed
Matej Z. on 2024-03-25 A great litle gift from heart
Marko T. on 2024-03-25 Top
Great extra
Taylor H. on 2024-03-23 No complaints everything was perfect.
Best gift
Alexandru T. on 2024-03-22 A gift you can't refuse, Thanks Seedsmafia
I am very pleased
Simeon I. on 2024-03-22 I received the exact bonus that I wrote in the order. More importantly, the bonus seeds germinated 100% in three days, which means they are sending fresh seeds as a bonus, not old ones.
Zsolt B. on 2024-03-21 Kössz
Free seeds
Tommy K. on 2024-03-20 Thank you for the free seed
Ojārs I. on 2024-03-19 Thenks
free seeds are so good everything germinated
Daniel M. on 2024-03-18 free seeds are so good everything germinated
Svetlio I. on 2024-03-16 Lovely gifts
Veliko M. on 2024-03-16 thanks :)
Thank you
Roland B. on 2024-03-16 Thank you
Balog L. on 2024-03-16 Kinti termesztést szeretnék most a szezonra
Armands V. on 2024-03-14 Every seed is so good
András L. on 2024-03-12 Big zero
Dávid T. on 2024-03-11 A magyarban nincs szebb szó mint az ingyen XD
Perfect seeds
Silvio V. on 2024-03-07 Very fast delivery
Thank you for the giftyyyyy
Иван М. on 2024-03-06 Your goodness knows no boundaries ♥️
Звучи много добре
B S. on 2024-03-04 Все още чакам да получа така дълго чаканият "подарък" дано се случи скоро.
Luka M. on 2024-03-01

I have never been dissapointed it's best shop ever.

Mauro J. on 2024-12-12 Sve u roku javili iz glsa da je doso paket, ko koverta unutra sve grmi
Minden ok volt
Hulik F. on 2024-02-29 Egyenlőre még sokat nem tudok mondani , de a csomagolással nem volt baj
József K. on 2024-02-26

Köszönöm szépen az ajándék magokat, nagyon jófejek vagytok!

Anita K. on 2024-02-26 Didn't recive
Very good
Ivan D. on 2024-06-08 Very good
Szántó Z. on 2024-02-05 Korrekt
Richárd B. on 2024-02-04 Good
El kurando
Vladislav P. on 2024-02-02 Great and fast service, excellent communication, discrete package .
Extra seed
Miroslav Y. on 2024-02-02 Correct
S. W. on 2024-01-19 Got as always good quality of free seeds. Thanks
This seeds are awesome
ciprian p. on 2024-01-10 The fact that they give you free seeds for an amount of purchased seeds is amazing
Bókkon I. on 2023-12-24 Cool
Lovro B. on 2023-12-21
RIGÓ C. on 2023-12-07

Köszönet a kedvességért

First time order 10/10
Zarko V. on 2023-11-21 All went great as i expected, discreet delivery on time
Dimitar M. on 2023-11-15 Thanks
Rangel I. on 2023-11-05 6+
Aa yea free bonus seeds
Csaba A. on 2023-11-04 Aa yea free bonus seeds I definitely like them
Giuseppe C. on 2023-10-25 Ok
You are just amazing
Enea G. on 2023-10-24 Love the free seeds you guys are the best
Got the proper bonus seed what I was asking for.
Sipos D. on 2023-07-17 Cool packaging :]

Kupci koji su kupili ovaj proizvod, također su kupili:

Nema proizvoda

To be determined Dostava
0.00 € Ukupno

Izvrši kupnju