Auto Jack Herer Feminized
Denumit după un activist faimos, autor al Bibliei Marijuanei, Auto Jack Herer Feminized este un soi de canabis feminizat cu auto-înflorire foarte popular printre cunoscători, dar şi amatori. Este recunoscut pentru efectul său înălţător puternic, tipic varietăţii Sativa, precum şi pentru aroma sa proaspătă asemănătoare celei de mentă.
Sex: | Feminizate |
Seminte Autoflowering: | DA |
Cultivare: | Interior, Exterior, Sera |
Inaltime: | 50 - 80 cm |
Randament: | 50 - 150 gr. pe planta |
Timp de inflorire: | 45-55 zile |
Ciclu complet de viata: | 65 zile dupa plantare |
Genetica: | Jack Herer x Ruderalis |
THC: | 21% |
Tip: | Sa 50%, In 30%, Ru 20% |
Fiind un soi cu auto-înflorire, Auto Jack Herer Feminized poate fi cultivat aproape oriunde, fie el mediu închis sau mediu deschis. Are o perioadă de creştere de 9-10 săptămâni de la germinare. Planta nu creşte foarte înaltă; atinge înălţimi medii de aproximativ 50-80 de centimetri, ceea ce o face ideală pentru cultivatorii discreţi.
Plantele crescute din soiul Auto Jack Herer Feminized produc recolte bogate de circa 700 de grame per m2. În plus, pe lângă cantitate, sunt cunoscute şi pentru calitate, aceste plante atingând un conţinut mediu de 21% THC. Fiind un soi feminizat cu auto-înflorire, acesta va fi foarte uşor de crescut şi întreţinut, neavând nevoie de foarte multă atenţie, lumină sau fertilizatori.
La fel ca soiul original, acesta are o aromă foarte proaspătă asemănătoare celei de mentă cu tonuri de condimente picante. Ca şi efecte, acesta induce efecte tipice varietăţii Indica, de relaxare şi energizare. Poate fi folosit cu succes şi în scopuri terapeutice, dar datorită potenţei ridicate, trebuie acordată atenţie specială. Dacă cauţi un soi de canabis ideal atât din punct de vedere al calităţii, cât şi din punct de vedere al cantităţii, acesta este soiul pe care îl căutai.
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- Transportul este GRATUIT la comenzile peste 250 Lei.
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- Posta Romana (1 - 3 zile) - 10 lei
Seeds | |
Daniel I. on 2025-01-19 | Excellent delivery. I'm so excited about what's next. Thank you Seedsmafia! |
best strain | |
Ivan B. on 2024-10-26 | this is the best strain for me. |
Very good seeds | |
Silvio V. on 2024-10-04 | Very very fast |
Good quality and delivery | |
Eero O. on 2024-09-26 | amazing quality with a nice delivery time of 7 days. Big yield |
Seed | |
Tomislav O. on 2024-08-11 | Big budds Very nice |
Great | |
Sob C. on 2024-07-18 | I am satisfied with my purchase,good price for the seeds |
Super | |
Tünde N. on 2024-07-03 | a régi oldscool erős és sokat hoz le mi más is kéne ? csak ajánlani tudom |
My fav | |
Gary S. on 2024-05-31 | Always been a strain I liked. Popular on the west coast as well. USA that is. |
Állat | |
Csaba G. on 2024-05-06 | Várom már az aratást. |
Jack herer.... enough said | |
Boyan V. on 2024-04-12 | It's Jack Herer.... amazing strain,good yeld, easy to grow |
Seeds | |
Dushko D. on 2024-04-08 | My order arrived quick and it was well secured |
Best seeds ever | |
Miro D. on 2024-04-08 | Strong resiliant Auto Outdoor cannabis. Gave 100 g from best plant! Tested and proofed. Cheers |
thanks | |
Simeon I. on 2024-03-22 | A great plant. It is developing very well. I can't wait to try the end result. |
értékelés | |
Zsolt B. on 2024-03-21 | Ezt a terméket csak jövőre tudom értékelni, mert még nem ültettem. De remélem úgyan olyan szuper lessz mint a többi termékük. |
Pablo | |
Ojārs I. on 2024-03-19 | Veri good thenks |
Amazing seed | |
Lucija L. on 2025-01-01 | If ur looking for good quality buy this |
A | |
Mark H. on 2024-12-12 | A youtobe csatornamon év elejen csinaltam rola vlog-ot. Nagyon minosegi rugyei vannak. Es finom ize van. Csak ajanlani tudom |
Рекомендую | |
Liviu A. on 2024-04-24 | За доставку и полученную качественную продукции – респект. |
Хороший | |
Yaroslav K. on 2024-04-19 | Хороший сорт, шишечный запах, как самих соцветий, так и дыма готового продукта, а так же послевкусие. |
Superb si politicos | |
Ostin C. on 2024-04-16 | Mulțumesc, totul a sosit la timp. Livrare rapidă. |
Превосходно | |
Timur T. on 2024-04-11 | Во-первых, аромат этого сорта - это несравненно освежающая мята. А во-вторых, вызывает безудержную легкость. |
Быстрый мощьный. | |
Коля Л. on 2024-04-08 | Быстрый мощьный. |
cool | |
Nicu V. on 2024-04-02 | În primul rând, aroma acestei soiuri este de mentă proaspătă Și în al doilea rând, induce o senzație de ușurință |
rep | |
Shivam L. on 2024-03-29 | For the delivery and the quality of the product received - respect. |
Au ajuns după 1 și | |
Alin M. on 2024-03-27 | Sunt mulțumit de experiența ambalajului,țineți o tot așa,abea aștept să le cultiv,spor la vânzări încontinuare |
Зина П. on 2024-03-25 | Быстрый, убойный прост в выращивании короче агонь |
mafia top , repejor au livrat | |
Draga C. on 2024-03-22 | În primul rând, aroma acestui soi este o mentă extrem de revigorantă. În al doilea rând, provoacă o senzație de ușurință fără margini. |
jack herer ! | |
Scott C. on 2024-03-18 | Firstly, the aroma of this variety is incomparably refreshing mint. And secondly, it induces an uncontrollable feeling of lightness |
Good | |
Richárd B. on 2024-02-04 | Good |
thanks | |
Parker P. on 2024-03-16 | Thank you so much for the seeds. |
Wow!! | |
Chris T. on 2024-03-16 | Everything I ordered was shipped and delivered. |
thank to all team | |
Mark M. on 2024-03-16 | Super friendly service and clear communication |
Thank you | |
James B. on 2024-03-16 | I received my jack herer and was very impressed at the seed quality. |
Great seeds | |
Miro D. on 2024-01-19 | Best plant produces around 100 g |
Baš dobro | |
Lovre L. on 2024-03-16 | Baš dobro, nema zamjerki. |
Cijene odlične | |
Lisjak D. on 2024-03-16 | Cijene su odlične, vrijedi svake kune. Puno pozdrava |
Jako dobra dostava | |
Boris M. on 2024-03-16 | Jako dobra dostava, sve je bilo kako treba. |
savršeno | |
Branko B. on 2024-03-16 | Savršeno iskustvo, ne mogu biti sretniji. |
Top! | |
Višić V. on 2024-03-16 | Top! Sve je bilo izvrsno. |
Очень хорошо | |
Iacov I. on 2024-03-15 | Этот сорт способен успокоить и расслабить, очень сильный эффект. Можно почувствовать, как напряжение и стресс уходят. |
Ceea ce trebuie! | |
Safta S. on 2024-03-10 | Mai comand! |
Produse de calitate! | |
Marcu M. on 2024-03-10 | Recomand tuturor! |
Sunt multumit! | |
Bogy B. on 2024-03-10 | Nu a fost nici o problema! |
Thankss | |
Cismaru C. on 2024-03-10 | Totul a decurs ok |
Perfecte pentru incepatori! | |
Radu R. on 2024-03-10 | Nu am decat cuvinte de lauda! |
ft bn | |
Otilia S. on 2024-03-09 | Acest soi este capabil să se calmeze și să se relaxeze, un efect foarte puternic. Puteți simți că tensiunea și stresul dispar. |
Thanks | |
Jene R. on 2024-03-07 | great work |
отлично | |
Marin H. on 2024-03-05 | Общее впечатление от продукции и их качества оставляет исключительно положительные эмоции. |
Super | |
Sasu S. on 2024-03-04 | Nici ca-mi doream ceva mai bun! |
Страхотно преживяване | |
Shkodrov R. on 2024-03-04 | Както винаги страхотно! |
Great experience | |
R B. on 2024-03-03 | As always great ! |
джэк | |
Лёня Л. on 2024-03-01 | вообще всегда молодцы. Жаль только что только 2 куста пришлось гровить. Заказался еще. Кусты показали себя с хорошей стороны. Все как в описании. |
Jack | |
Percival M. on 2024-02-28 | Easy quick and nice |
восхищен | |
Midoni I. on 2024-02-25 | Растил в первый раз , много где накосячил , но кустик все выдержал |
Quality seeds | |
Speedy B. on 2024-02-25 | Everything that was ordered showed up. Quality was stupendous and absolutely no lack of quality |
Норм | |
Petrova L. on 2024-02-23 | Из трех одна так и не проклюнулась |
Stable | |
Grzegorz J. on 2023-04-13 | Everything's fine |
Kiemelkedő magok | |
Nevtelen N. on 2024-02-16 | Kiemelkedő magok |
10 stars | |
Tudor D. on 2024-02-14 | Very satisfied with my purchase |
Joi | |
Emil K. on 2024-02-13 | Tova e edin unikalen sort |
Strong, spicy taste. | |
László M. on 2023-02-27 | This is a very strong plant. It produced the biggest buds I have ever seen myself and its entire life cycle was only 74 days. |
Positive | |
András G. on 2023-02-13 | . |
The best | |
János O. on 2023-02-04 | Full |
Vélemény: | |
András K. on 2023-01-10 | Könnyű termesztés |
A strong, fast growing plant. | |
László M. on 2022-12-27 | I have ordered these seeds several times, so far all of them have germinated. It's growing very fast, it's one of my favourites next to Ak 47. It has a very strong smell. It also handles major heat fluctuations very well. |
everything is great except the quality | |
Михаил С. on 2022-12-26 | delivery is fast, in to SUPER. only two seeds of AUTO GUNMANGO FEMINIZED did not grow. Top 44 is excellent. 10 seeds left AUTO GUNMANGO FEMINIZED, I don’t even know if it makes sense to keep trying. |
Szuper | |
Zoltan F. on 2022-12-19 | Gyors ügyintézés és gyors szállítás |
Fasor | |
Zsolt M. on 2022-12-16 | Nagyon elégedett vagyok gyors s precíz szálitás s aszt kaptam amit rendeltem köszönöm |
stuning!!! | |
Dejan K. on 2023-01-16 | the densest buds I’ve ever seen on any plant. Stunning strain would recommend everyone tries it |
Najštedrejšia samonakvétacia rastlina | |
O. K. on 2023-01-05 | jeden z najlepších automobilov, pestujem už 6 rokov |
hvala vam dečki | |
J. H. on 2022-12-12 | Volim ovaj soj, pravi lijek. |
Силно препоръчвам този! | |
Kristian G. on 2022-10-24 | Това вероятно е едно от най-запомнящите се отглеждания на този щам, който е феноменален и е 100% в топ 3 на любимите ми. |
Panther | |
István B. on 2021-05-29 | Nagyon illatos,jó ízű,és elpusztíthatatlan növény. |
Easy to grow | |
Rozs M. on 2020-08-21 | One of the strongest autos I've ever tried,nice and compact buds. Not too strong smell,very earthy. |
a | |
Karsai K. on 2020-04-07 | Good smell day 60,almost harvest time,easy to grow for beginners. |
Szabolcs S. on 2020-03-12 | |
Charlie | |
Charlie O. on 2018-10-22 | I had a problem with my first oredr but in 4 days you had correct .100% happy with this order and my last 2 will always be my go to seed bank. |
700 de,gr | |
Bryan T. on 2016-07-02 | 700 de gr pe planta sau doar pe metru patrat? |
Answer: Per metru patrat. |
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