Auto White Widow Feminized

Auto White Widow Feminized

Auto White Widow Feminized is one of the most popular types of feminized, autoflowering cannabis, and it can be cultivated both in indoor and outdoor environments. It produces compact plants of medium heights, it has a pleasant aroma and induces strong, uplifting effects.

%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%20%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81% Sex: Feminized
Autoflowering seeds: YES
Grows: Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse
Height: 50 - 110 cm
Yield: 100 - 200 gr. per plant
Flowering time: 50 - 55 days
Complete life cycle: 70 - 80 days after planting
Cannabis Genetics: Critical auto x White Widow
THC: 20%
Type: Sa: 40% In:40% Ru:20%

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4.70 €

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Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 90
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This variety is obtained by crossing the famous White Widow strain with one of the most powerful types of autoflowering cannabis. The plants that grow from Auto White Widow Feminized seeds have big, dark-green leaves which are covered in resin in their entirety. This quality is also typical of the original variety. The lifecycle of the plants consists of approximately 7-8 weeks.

When cultivated indoors, the plant can reach a maximum height of 80 cm and crops of 190-240 grams/plant. When cultivated outdoors, it can reach heights of up to 110 cm and a maximum amount of crops of 450 de grams/m2, depending on the environmental conditions. Furthermore, the resulting buds are compact, covored in resin crystals.

It has a sweet flavor, similar to that of citrus, just like the original variety; however, in this case, the aroma is not as strong as the original one. It can also be used for therapeutic purposes, as it helps alleviate pain and tensions, and induces effects which are typical of the Indica strain- effects characterized by relaxation. If you wish to have a feminized, autoflowering variety that produces maximum results in a short amount of time, Auto White Widow Feminized is the strain for you!

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White widow
Ivan B. on 12/20/2024 white widow is a old school & that is the reason i always order this type of stain.
Nagyon gyönyörü
Farkas S. on 12/15/2024 Nagyon szép növény ojan bokor lett belöle hogy meg lepödtem nagyon korrekt a seedsmafia minden kérdésre válaszolnak volt hogy meglepetés ajándék magot is kaptunk!! És nem utolsó sorban az árak nagyon barátiak!!
Антон К. on 11/07/2024 Хубав сорт , добр семка.
White widow
erika l. on 09/06/2024 Többször rendeltem már,ez az egyik kedvenc.
White w. Is the best weed
Silvio V. on 07/21/2024 Amazing taste
antonijo s. on 05/26/2024 Ok
Aida S. on 04/30/2024 Very fast delivery, interesting and elegant packaging. Very good and fertile seed. Already after the third day it germinated, after 5 days the plant emerged from the ground. I am very satisfied.
Old school strain
Jakov P. on 04/10/2024 Early harvest nice buds average yield
Never dissapoints
Jakov P. on 04/10/2024 Classic strain never dissapoints good job mafia
Marko T. on 03/25/2024 Super kvaliteta
Papp R. on 02/20/2025 Majdnem olyan mint az eredeti. Küzdőknek tökéletes választás
Lucija L. on 12/15/2024 Quality seeds fast delivery
Preciz szallitas
Mark H. on 12/12/2024 Ha magot veszek csak innen rendelek! Nagyon megvagyok elegedve veletek
the white one
Ali M. on 11/15/2024 the white witch it gets me so good very good seeds top quality
Диан В. on 10/15/2024 Thanks for the wonderful team and unique souvenirs fast and well packaged delivery also thanks for the many gifts!!! Be alive and healthy and let's work forward with joy! Thanks again! God bless you!
For beginners
Daniel B. on 07/07/2024 White widow is an amazing strain good for any activity , easy to grow
Auto white widow
Karlo M. on 05/21/2024 Vrlo dobra usluga i kvalitetno sjeme biljka je izrasla u zdravu veliki biljki bez previse truda svima preporucujem ovu sortu
József K. on 04/26/2024 Brutál nagyra nő, rengeteg elágazással. Hatalmas budok. Eszméletlen jó illat, kellemes aroma.
Petru A. on 04/24/2024 Pot să spun că randamentul este cu adevărat ridicat și că rezistă bine la factorii dăunători.
Gabriel G. on 04/19/2024 Хороший урожай в кратчайшие сроки.
скорость, эффект
Sasha K. on 04/16/2024 Неприхотливость
Sunt mulțumit
Adam F. on 04/11/2024 mi-au povestit și m-au ajutat să aleg. Am primit deja, furnizorul fără probleme.
Low Price
Don F. on 04/08/2024 This product had an amazing effect! After using it, you feel clear relief and pleasant relaxation.
Taylor W. on 04/04/2024 This is the perfect way to awaken consciousness, add energy to the space, and create a positive atmosphere.
Дима Д. on 04/02/2024 Нормально так растёт.
Petru C. on 03/29/2024 o modalitate perfectă de a trezi conștiința, de a adăuga energie
Anas H. on 03/27/2024 A good harvest in the shortest time possible.
Sirghi I. on 03/22/2024 Хорошее качество. Быстрая доставка
love this
Luigi M. on 03/16/2024 Love great place to buy Seeds
good quality product
Merga M. on 03/16/2024 Seeds arrived in a timely manner. All looked great thank you
Marco M. on 03/16/2024 Easy ordering quick shopping
Thank you
Nicolas B. on 03/16/2024 Service is good, and fair.
Hvala puno
Zoran Z. on 03/16/2024 Hvala vam na svemu javljam utiske opet
Savršeno Pakiranje
Bugarin B. on 03/16/2024 Savršeno pakiranje, sve je stiglo sigurno i bez oštećenja.
Hvala puno
Benko B. on 03/16/2024 Hvala puno na profesionalnosti i ljubaznosti. Sve je stiglo na vrijeme i jako sam uzbuđena!!
Brza dostava
Samaržija S. on 03/16/2024 Brza dostava, stiglo je u rekordnom roku.
Premium Kvaliteta
Dragič D. on 03/16/2024 Ovo je nešto posebno.
Good quality. Fast delivery
Alex A. on 03/15/2024 Good quality. Fast delivery
sunt seriosi
Gabriel M. on 03/13/2024 Totul este foarte bun si foarte bine! Firma serioasa!
transport rapid
Ghita G. on 03/10/2024 perfecte
Voi mai comanda
Razvan R. on 03/10/2024 cu siguranta
Codrea C. on 03/10/2024 niceeeee
Nu am ce ma plange
Leca L. on 03/10/2024 au ajuns si sunt ok, vedem mai incolo :))
Sunt ok
Claudiu C. on 03/10/2024 recomand tuturor!
Csépány B. on 10/08/2023 Tökéletes gyors kiszállás és még az ajándék is csúcs szuper köszönjük szépen
Csépány B. on 10/08/2023 Tökéletes gyors kiszállás és még az ajándék is csúcs szuper köszönjük szépen
Tamas D. on 09/28/2023
Вася К. on 03/07/2024 сорт приятно удивил
all good
Deryl L. on 03/05/2024 Did grow successfully outside in Scandinavian climate. Effect as described.
Super Semințe
Melinte M. on 03/04/2024 Multumit
Большое спасибо
Ильясов И. on 03/04/2024 Семена белой вдовы доставили за неделю. Всхожесть была хорошая.
Благодаря много
Lyubo M. on 03/04/2024 Семената на бялата вдовица бяха доставени след седмица. Кълняемостта беше добра.
it's a timeless classic!
László V. on 06/20/2023 there is no one who does not like a widow! try it and judge !❤
Thanks a lot
Ferrell R. on 03/03/2024 White widow seeds were delivered in a week. Germination was good.
об white widow
Just E. on 03/01/2024 Эффект очень интересный и полностью схож с описание! Позитив приходит незамедлительно, улыбка начинает тянуться до ушей
Voronin M. on 02/28/2024 Хотя мои кусты ничем, кроме плесени никогда и не болели. За влажностью слежу, конечно, чтоб плесень вдруг не испортила мне харвест.
Mircea R. on 02/25/2024 Plantă excelentă
Mr S. on 02/25/2024 Looks great seed root has shown on 7 in two days very impressiv
Impressive Selection and Quick Delivery!
Emily B. on 02/23/2024 All germinated and are growing great. Cant wait for the finished product.
Grzegorz J. on 04/13/2023 Everything's fine
Anonymous A. on 02/16/2024

I have been with mafiaseeds for over 3 years germination rate above 85%


Thank you for your review! It is a great feeling knowing that our customers are so satisfied with our products and services. We really appreciate you taking the time to give us review, and we're so glad you're part of our Mafiaseeds family!

Bence M. on 04/11/2023 Vao
kiváló minőségű
Ferenc B. on 02/14/2024 Nagyon ajánlom ezt a boltot mindenkinek
Overall, pretty nice
Norbert S. on 04/04/2023 They had trouble growing at first but then they started growing really fast, finished last week. I dont have a smoke report yet.
Janos E. on 03/17/2023 Fast and easy delivery.
Tamas S. on 03/16/2023 Régi nagy kedvenc.
The best
János O. on 02/04/2023 Veri good
Attila Tilla P. on 02/01/2023 Cool.... &.... Nice...
Very good
Brigitta B. on 12/14/2022
skvelé semená
o. k. on 12/15/2022 najlepšie chutiace tráva som kedy fajčil. vďaka moc chlapci
Marija P. on 12/09/2022 Ona je definitivno teški udarač!
Zlatko P. on 09/06/2020 I ordered it as my first auto and was astonished with it! Thank you!
Sterbek Z. on 03/25/2020 In addition to the eight weeks, count three more and don't be sad. The plant will be very delicate and very generous.
Игнат М. on 10/14/2018 магазин серьезный. Все вопросы ребята решают по чесноку. Респект.
Рафаил Р. on 10/14/2018 Сорт огонь и урожай норм
Давид Р. on 10/14/2018 Всхожесть 100%, развитие отличное!
Валентин Р. on 10/14/2018 Bсе семечки получил вовремя! Отдельно спасибо за бонус! Посмотрим...
Руслан В. on 10/14/2018 а что значит феминизированые:??
Timotei L. on 10/13/2018 Până în prezent iubesc aceste seminte. Intenționez să comand mai multe semințe
Florian M. on 10/13/2018 Remarcabile și distractive!!
Irinel P. on 10/13/2018 Cat timp se pot pastra semintele, le pot ingheta?
Arian N. on 10/13/2018 Semințele au fost foarte bune.
Silvian G. on 10/13/2018 Voi sunteți cei mai buni, ușor de comandat și chiar mai ușor vine livrarea.
Really good
Andy T. on 10/13/2018 This has been my 3rd order from these guys, arrived ridiculously quick
Matthew B. on 10/13/2018 Very happy with product and fast service
Best seeds
Joel R. on 10/13/2018 Excellent product done right
Fast Shipping
Chris L. on 10/13/2018 Super fast shipping! I paid in cash and arrived a few days after the payment was received.
Tim J. on 10/13/2018 White Widow may be the best strain I have growen so far
wow!the taste is superb!
Marko P. on 07/04/2016

i got these as a freebie! the plant is easy to grow and have great taste! watchout as it smells, 5 out 5 germinated! thanks seedsmafia!

White Widow
Finn M. on 07/04/2015

Imi place foarte mult, e foarte placuta, recomand pentru cultivatorii de nivelul de 5 *


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