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Promotions, gifts, seeds and free delivery!

You're buying 5 seeds? Get 1 more seed for free!
Want to buy 10 seeds? Get 2 more extra seeds!
Or maybe you want 15 seeds? Then + 3 seeds for free!
For 20 seeds = 4 extra free seeds!
For 25 seeds, respectively, come with 5 more free seeds!
30 + 6 free, 40 + 8 free, 50 + 10 free and so on, ad infinitum!
So, according to this algorithm, you will receive free seeds on any order, which will exceed 5 seeds.
The best thing is that YOU can choose which seeds you want to receive! For example, when ordering 5 seeds you can choose 3 seeds of one variety and 2 seeds of another variety, or 5 seeds of different varieties, specifying in your comment which variety you want as a bonus. If you do not specify, we usually put a variety from your order.
FREE DELIVERY on orders over 75 EUR - anywhere and with any delivery method that is displayed on our website.
At Seeds Mafia you can choose gift seeds from ALL the strains that are in our shop!
Make your order and get your free seeds now!