Auto Sour Diesel Feminized

Auto Sour Diesel Feminized

Auto Sour Diesel is a feminized autoflowering variety of cannabis. Its buds are compact and highly productive, boasting a spicy citrus perfume, combined with the aroma of gasoline. It contains a high percentage of THC- approximately 20%- thus inducing long-lasting, uplifting effects.

%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%20%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81% Sex: Feminized
Autoflowering seeds: YES
Grows: Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse
Height: 50-120 cm
Yield: 60 - 150 gr. per plant
Flowering time: 45-55 days
 Complete life cycle: 70 - 80 days after planting
Cannabis Genetics: Sour Diesel x Lowryder 2
THC: 20%
Type: Sativa 70%, Indica 30%

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4.70 €

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Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 71
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Auto Sour Diesel, a variety defined by its Sativa dominant, is an autoflowering strain of the legendary Sour Diesel, which is obtained through a crossing process with the Lowryder kind.It has an extremely short flowering period, namely 60 days after germination, and a lifecycle of approximately 70-75 days. It is sensitive when exposed to an excess of fertilizers and requires plenty of water in order to grow properly.

It can be cultivated both in outdoor and indoor environments, and the plants that grow from it reach heights between 50 and 120 cm. They are easy to look after and boast a high productivity- 120 gram/plant. Its buds are long, compact and -filled.

Even though Auto Sour Diesel is an appreciated type of cannabis and it is easy to care for by all cultivators, it is mostly a good choice for those who are still beginners in the field. It belongs to the Sour Diesel family, boasting a very strong flavor- a combination between citrus and gasoline. Its effects are strong, but well-balanced both on a physical and a mental level.

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Ruslan M. on 01/01/2025 Брал 3 семечки у этих ребят все 3 взошли и росли как на дрожжах. Жду когда пролечится
Horváth D. on 10/03/2024 Remélem szépen ki pattan a mag. Szeretem ezt a virágot
Kevin M. on 04/21/2024 Delivered on time and are doing well. Can't wait to see the outcome.
Angel D. on 03/25/2024 Да
Auto sour diesel
Роксана Г. on 03/26/2025 Grew huge strong and i was very surprised. thank you. good genetics.
Papp R. on 02/20/2025 A kültéri királynője! Erős masszív és jól meg birkozik a betegségekkel stb.
Nagyon jo
Mark H. on 12/12/2024 Korrekt minden tekintetben az oldal. Köszönöm szépen seedsmaffia. 5 csillagot megerdemel
big yields
Ali M. on 11/15/2024 big fat collection of yileds perfect seeds
Daniel B. on 07/07/2024 Never had that one , ive heard only good things about it , i hope the free seeds policy works and i get one :)
Ferenc K. on 06/30/2024 Jó kis mag, jó termés
Tiszta benzinkút
József K. on 04/26/2024 Full gázolaj illat kicsi citrusos beütéssel. Inkább meditatív akciókhoz jó.
Антон Ш. on 04/24/2024 очень вкусный хорошо растёт достаточно не плохой урожай
It relaxes me well.
Fred P. on 04/19/2024 Feels like every cell in my body is being soothed.
Очень Хорошо
Eduard F. on 04/16/2024 Быстрая доставка, свежие зерна, качество на высоте.
Коля З. on 04/13/2024 oдни плюсы, всегда растёё
Balu R. on 04/08/2024 Mulțumesc pentru calitate și livrare rapidă! Serviciul este excelent.
Ion K. on 04/04/2024 Очень сильный аромат пряностей с характерным запахом цитрусовых плодов и бензина.
Роман Д. on 03/29/2024 Отличный сорт но ЛСД посмешнее будет )
Ioan C. on 03/27/2024 Provoacă o puternică senzație de relaxare, iar aroma a fost picantă.
Kalvin W. on 03/22/2024 A very strong aroma of spices with a characteristic scent of citrus fruits and gasoline.
Иванов Н. on 03/20/2024 Быстрый, ароматный, урожайный
Good price
Luigi M. on 03/16/2024 Such a good deals. Just enough seeds for a great price.
I'm glad
Merga M. on 03/16/2024 I had no problems ordering my seeds. thank you.
Marco M. on 03/16/2024 taste is awesome thanks guys
Nicolas B. on 03/16/2024 Good prices and excellent quality of seeds.
Magična Kvaliteta
Zoran Z. on 03/16/2024 Kvalitet vrh! Cijene vrh! Brzo dostavljeno u HR!!
Očaravajući Proizvodi
Bugarin B. on 03/16/2024 Opet ste nadmašili sva moja očekivanja, svaki put se iznenadim kada naručim nešto drugo, hvala puno
Sajtos P. on 12/30/2023 Tökéletes!
Brzinski Paket
Benko B. on 03/16/2024 Brzinski paket stigao je savršeno upakovan, sve pohvale Seeds Mafia, jako zadovoljan!
Vrhunska Isporuka
Samaržija S. on 03/16/2024 Isporuka je bila vrhunska, brza i pouzdana.
Premium Uzgoj
Dragič D. on 03/16/2024 Ovo je savršena sorta, preporučujem
Péter N. on 12/12/2023 super
Luca A. on 03/15/2024 Am dat doua comenzi pana acum si sunt multumit! Sunt seriosi, nu va luati dupa toti analfabetii!
Jimmy B. on 03/13/2024 A very strong aroma of spices with a characteristic smell of citrus fruits and gasoline
Ghita G. on 03/10/2024 merge
nu cumparati
Razvan R. on 03/10/2024 sunt alte optiuni mai bune
Mi-a placut
Codrea C. on 03/10/2024 voi reveni cu o noua comanda cat mai curand
Alegerea perfecta
Leca L. on 03/10/2024 Sunt perfecte
Sunt ok
Claudiu C. on 03/10/2024 am sa mai comand
Liked it
alex l. on 10/10/2023 Good stuff
Liked it
alex l. on 10/10/2023 Good stuff!
Marin R. on 03/07/2024 Удивил приятный бонус. +1 зерно к заказу. Спасибо.
Vasile O. on 03/05/2024 aduce senzații unice și emoții vii.
Melinte M. on 03/04/2024 Multumit
Лучшее качество
Ильясов И. on 03/04/2024 отличный опыт на данный момент. Обновлю после того, как семена прорастут.
най-добро качество
Lyubo M. on 03/04/2024 страхотен опит досега. Ще се актуализира, след като семената поникнат.
best quality
Ferrell R. on 03/03/2024 great experience so far. Will update after seeds sprout.
Castiel C. on 03/01/2024 Very very beautiful rendering and a smell as we like them
авто дизель
Cherry T. on 02/28/2024 В принципе, о самом сорте хорошие впечатления остались. Прекрасно гровится, быстро, без напряга. Неплохо дает шишек. Но так чтоб вах, то ничего такого. Считаю, что несколько завышена стоимость семян.
Diesel one love
Mircea R. on 02/25/2024 foarte gustos efect frumos, și foarte rapid în creștere, una dintre cele mai bune am încercat până acum
a big thanks
Mr S. on 02/25/2024 Thanks for great service. My expectations were surpassed! Now third time ordering these seeds
Nagyon jó
Balazs V. on 05/04/2023 Ha kész megbízom mindenkepp
Exceptional Products
Emily B. on 02/23/2024 germinated 100%
Attila K. on 02/12/2024 Kerozin smell
Georgi Tashev T. on 02/03/2023 Thank you!
Респект команде
Виталий Л. on 11/30/2022 Очень быстро и оперативно работают ребята. Всегда на связи. Заказал совсем недавно, а семки уже у меня. Потираю ручки.
najbolji ukus za mene do sada
Eugen P. on 11/03/2022 a ukus je za mene najvažnija stvar, pa 5 od 5
eden najboljših
ziga s. on 10/27/2022 hitra dostava in vedno odličen pridelek iz teh semen
nagyon jó az első alkalommal
Kincses G. on 10/28/2022 Robusztus növény, amely nem túlságosan igényes. Azt hiszem, több magot is kipróbálok ettől a márkától.
Обожавам го
Filip K. on 10/03/2022

Sour D е един от любимите ми щамове, откакто започнах да пуша. Поради тази причина той е буквално моят модел за добра сатива, с качество на високото, което наистина определя стандарта. Пъпката е предимно светлозелена, като се виждат и някои светлокафяви власинки. Ароматът ѝ ми напомня на сочна дървесина. Димът е много гладък.

Nechifor C. on 09/03/2018

Aspect bun cu un efect mental si fizic puternic

Todor V. on 05/16/2018

genial bine facut voi trimite poze

Va puteti relaxa
Lucrețiu D. on 06/12/2018

Efectele si aroma sunt minunate, iar efectul de piatră este minim.

Gheorghe N. on 09/14/2018

Plantele sunt foarte puternice și au o vitalitate incredibilă și potențial de crestere

am cumaprato si pe asta
Mugur C. on 08/13/2018

Plantele sunt foarte puternice și au vitalitate incredibilă și potențial crescut

Jake P. on 08/15/2018

Very beautiful and very tasty with great high.Love the purple colors.

Sam C. on 09/02/2018

Great plant, tough as they come, smells and tastes amazing. Effect is uplifting, sociable and long lasting.

I need to try again
Jonathan A. on 09/03/2018

Wonderful everything looks great can't wait to try received it.

i love it
Toby R. on 08/31/2018

Great gas taste and killer smoke got to love it

you really need to try
Ewan B. on 08/16/2018

A must for every garden honestly, you really need to grow it so you can understand the hysteria for this strain, such a low sativa, very interesting.

Marko P. on 07/04/2016

Seedsmafia best seed shop EU, wanna try all auto strains looking in future to try some fast versions strains. 1st time growing diesel auto , looking very good 5/5 germinated and started rapid growth. thanks


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