Auto Mafia Skunk Feminized

Auto Mafia Skunk Feminized

Auto Mafia Skunk Feminized is a hybrid cannabis strain created by crossing the powerful Auto Skunk #1 and the famous Mafia Kush. This variety was created to provide the highest productivity and flavor benefits possible. A premium and high-yielding strain with vibrant flavors and powerful effects. It offers a ravishing combination of fruity, floral, and earthy notes that create a one-of-a-kind flavor and aroma.

пол растения.png Sex: Feminized
Autoflowering seeds: YES

Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse 

Height: 40-100 cm
Yield: 60-150 gr. per plant
Flowering time: 45-55 days
 Complete life cycle: 60-70 days
Cannabis Genetics: Auto Skunk #1 x Mafia Kush
THC: 20%
Type: In/Ru

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5.60 €

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Auto Mafia Skunk - Features

Unlike many other strains, Auto Mafia Skunk is autoflowering, which means it does not depend on the amount of light.

  • The strain type is feminized.
  • THC concentration – 20%.
  • The plant reaches a height of up to 40 cm indoors and up to 100 cm outdoors.
  • Productivity - up to 60gr per plant indoors, 150gr per plant outdoors.
  • Full flowering cycle – 60-70 days.

It can be grown both indoors and outdoors and will thrive in any environment.

How Auto Mafia Skunk Grows

When growing marijuana, it is advisable to use a good quality soil and fertilize the plant regularly with mineral fertilizers to maximize yield. In addition, it is important to monitor humidity and air temperature to provide the plant with optimal conditions for growth and development.

Auto Mafia Skunk cannabis is also highly resistant to diseases and pests, which makes it an ideal choice for both beginners and skilled growers. It has a short flowering period, which allows you to harvest in just 8-9 weeks after sowing.

What Auto Mafia Skunk Looks Like

Auto Mafia Skunk looks exquisite and attractive with its bulky, dense buds covered in a thick coat of aromatic resin. The leaves have a deep green color, turning purple at times, which makes them particularly appealing.

Effect, aroma, and flavor

The effect of Auto Mafia Skunk is characterized by a profound and lasting effect that starts with a feeling of euphoria and good vibes. And then it gradually transitions into a deep relaxation. This herb is ideal for use in the evening or on weekends when you can afford to relax and chill out.

Its fragrance is a blend of fruity, floral, and earthy notes that give it a rich and complex aroma. It is described as sweet and fruity, with hints of citrus, berries, and fruit mixtures.

The flavor of Auto Mafia Skunk is rich and intense, with pronounced fruit and herbal nuances. The flavors of this variety can vary depending on the cultivation method and method of preparation, but in general, the strain has a sweet and fruity flavor on the exhale, with hints of earth and herbal notes lingering in the background.

Scope of use

In therapeutic medicine, the usage of this strain can assist to treat various diseases and conditions, such as chronic pain, insomnia, depression, and anxiety.

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Rest of the World

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Delivery methods - Post, GLS, DPD, Econt, TNT, DHL, UPS, EMS, etc.

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Mariyan K. on 03/05/2025 Very good has a potent smell and the taste was incredible dont let ke start on how easy it is to grow
Duro C. on 01/19/2025 Dostava brza, uredno zapakirano,zadovoljava visoke standarde,izuzetno zadovoljan
Mr. Vulcan
Adam T. on 09/21/2024 Még nem próbáltam ezt a törzset. De eddig minden mag hibátlan volt
saki s. on 08/11/2024 Jako zadovoljan vrhski proizvod
Владимир Д. on 08/02/2024 Very nice
antonijo s. on 05/26/2024 I am very disappointed with the seeds. Nothing happened! I will think about ordering from you again,honestly. Best regards.
Yesss sirr
Ivan I. on 05/10/2024 Skunk
Krasimir M. on 04/20/2024 Everything is great!
Auto skunk mafia
Роксана Г. on 03/19/2025 Доставката беше изключително бърза,всичко беше добре опаковано.Обсужването е на ниво.Благодаря Ви!
Skunk mafia
Димитър Д. on 03/17/2025 Express delivery
Mark H. on 12/04/2024 5/5 nagyon illatos jeges kislany es jo izu.kivallo genetika
Lucija L. on 09/21/2024 Good
Good buddy
Daniel B. on 07/07/2024 Stinky one , could be sold at higher price , effect lasts longer
Ferenc K. on 06/30/2024 Nagy kedvenc, remek szár
excelent de simplu
Andrei I. on 04/24/2024 Mulțumesc pentru livrarea rapidă.
Best mafia
Bob F. on 04/22/2024 Convenient payment and fast delivery.
Очень Хорошо
Roman P. on 04/16/2024 Помогает хорошо расслабиться и отдохнуть
То что доктор прописал
Роза Г. on 04/13/2024 Быстрый рост, не прихотливый
Ion L. on 04/11/2024 Comanda a sosit mai devreme decât termenul specificat.
Eddie P. on 04/08/2024 Lovely scent. Relaxing.
David A. on 04/04/2024 После применения обеспечивает хорошее настроение
Илья П. on 04/02/2024 Недостатков нет
Dumitru B. on 03/27/2024 Un miros și gust superb de citrice dulci.
очень хорошо
Vitescu P. on 03/25/2024 Не прихотлив к свету, для моего района это одно из главных критериев.
Данилов И. on 03/20/2024 Отличный сорт, много чего пробовал из автоцветов, этот возьму еще
Bidian D. on 03/18/2024 Deocamdata sunt multumit. Mersi SeedsMafia.
Бърза надеждна доставка и много разумно
Bozhikov B. on 03/16/2024 Много се препоръчва за начинаещи производители!
Добро качество
Georgi G. on 03/16/2024 Вторият път, когато купувате мафиотски скункс, никога не се проваля.
На добра цена, благодаря.
Vladov N. on 03/16/2024 Семена от най-високо качество.
благодаря момчета
Vasil H. on 03/16/2024 Много надежден и здрав, добра генетика, добър добив
Fast reliable delivery and very reasonably
Scott W. on 03/16/2024 Very much indicated for beginner growers!
Good quality
William W. on 03/16/2024 Second time buying mafia skunk never fail to deliver.
Well priced thanks.
Robert C. on 03/16/2024 Top quality seeds.
Thank guys
Bray D. on 03/16/2024 Very reliable and tough, good genetics, good yield
Antun H. on 03/15/2024 Izvanredna dostava.Izvanredan paket, lijepo upakovan.Javljam utiske!
Davor C. on 03/15/2024 Kvalitetno sjeme, rezultati su malo je reći odlični
Divni ste!
Tomi L. on 03/15/2024 Brza dostava, apsolutna efikasnost. Sve preporuke
Izvrsni Rezultati
Marijan M. on 03/15/2024 Nevjerojatna usluga. Bilje još ljepše, naručujem opet!!!
Pouzdana Kvaliteta
Barešić B. on 03/15/2024 Divni ste! Oduševljen sam svime.
very good
Cris P. on 03/13/2024 I am not whimsical about light, this is one of the main criteria for my area
первый раз вижу, но он топовый
Кирил ф. on 03/09/2024 релакс и погружение в счастье.
Titkos Skunk Mester
Kazinczy A. on 07/26/2023 2 nap alatt megjött a rendelès! Bár pár infót nem áll módukban elmondani, de hogy nagyon pontosak az tuti fix! Remèlem hatalmas lesz az Auto Mafia Skunk Feminized magocska. ♥️
Foarte impresionant
Sofia D. on 03/05/2024 Sunt impresionat de eficiența și gustul unic. O combinație excelentă pentru adevărații cunoscători!
Спасибо, ребята
Dmitriy D. on 03/04/2024 Очень надежный и выносливый, хорошая генетика, хорошая урожайность.
Как я хотел
Макаренко М. on 03/04/2024 Быстрая доставка, хорошее обслуживание, 5 звезд.
Transportul e rapid
Raz V. on 03/04/2024 Ajung repede
Sunt ok
Stefan S. on 03/04/2024 Nu am asteptat mult pana sa ajunga
Ceea ce trebuie
Alin A. on 03/04/2024 Au ajuns ok
Mezei M. on 03/04/2024 Niste produse excelente din toate punctele de vedere
Jack D. on 03/03/2024 A very good harvest from this plant. A beautiful powerful plant, easy to grow. It is grown on organic soil mixed with organic fertilizer compost.
Както исках
slavov s. on 03/03/2024 Бърза доставка добро обслужване 5 звезди
As i wanted
Carter C. on 03/03/2024 Fast delivery good service 5 star
Imre B. on 06/11/2023 Ez is
Мафия от мафии )))))
Stoleru I. on 02/28/2024 Хороший мощный во всех смыслах автоцвет. Сильный, стабильный, не капризный.
O varietate bună pentru începători
Razvan D. on 02/28/2024 Este o varietate bună, ușor de crescut și cultivat.
LV for skunk
Lionel V. on 02/25/2024 All 3 seeds germinated without any problems, after a few initial problems on my part, the plant grew extremely well, . Taste and high was the best, I've never had anything so good even though I only smoke Top shelf Dutch stuff ;)
неплохой сорт
Alina R. on 02/21/2024 Ничего особенного, как по мне, но растет он бодро и без проблем, может и кривизну рук прощать. В ауте, возможно, повеселее он будет, а в индоре мало шишек.
Auto mafia seeds - auto happy :)
Jurca J. on 02/18/2024


I love it
Lajos T. on 02/15/2024 A true paradise for cannabis lovers
Благодарю за безупречное обслуживание
Dumitru F. on 02/14/2024 Превосходное обслуживание клиентов и широкий выбор семян высокого качества. Очень доволен покупкой
B S. on 02/10/2024 Отлично качество
Nédó M. on 11/01/2023 very relaxing

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5.00 €
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15 - 20 %
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Genes In/Sa/Ru
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Fruity, Citrus, Earthy
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