Auto Northern Light Feminized

Auto Northern Lights Feminized

Auto Northern Lights Feminized is a feminized autoflowering marijuana strain which has very little smell. It gives large resin-filled cones and grows very well regardless of the environment it is cultivated in. As a typical indica the effects are strong and energizing, which makes it popular among both experts and beginners.

%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%20%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81% Sex: Feminized
Autoflowering seeds: YES
Grows: Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse
Height: 80 - 120 cm
Yield: 150 - 210 gr. per plant
Flowering time: 40 - 55 days
Complete life cycle: 60 - 70 days after planting
Cannabis Genetics: Northern Lights x Ruderalis
THC: 20%
Type: Indica: 80% Ruderalis: 20%

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5.20 €

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Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 97
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Auto Northern Lights Feminized is a feminized autoflowering marijuana strain obtained from one of the world's most famous types with a dominant indica. Although it may be grown in any environment and climate, it will yield the best results when grown indoors. The plant has a life cycle of about 9-10 weeks.

The plants grown from this strain reach average heights of 80-120 centimeters and have high productivity. In addition to an excellent harvest, they also give quite much resin, have a very high flower to leaf ratio and dense buds. When grown indoors, it gives about 500 grams per m2, and when grown outdoors it yields about 220 grams per plant.

Like all Northern Lights strains, Auto Northern Light Feminized has a pleasant, sweet and subtle, but powerful flavor. The effects are strong and energizing, which may be felt very well at the body level. It may be successfully used for medical purposes to relieve stress and reduce pain.

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Tamás P. on 01/19/2025

very good, hardy, and produces an exceptionally good crop. It hasn't produced such a good taste and smell in about 2 years. The last 8-10 seeds have been very delicious and fragrant. I recommend this to all my gardening friends, I read about big cheeses that it has similar properties, maybe it will be the next one. In any case, this will remain my eternal favorite!

Peter P. on 12/25/2024 I very recomment this strain. Easy to grow, low smell, fast producing.
northern lights
Ivan B. on 12/20/2024 once again old school weed....after jack herrer this is my second choice of weed
Milán r. on 10/30/2024 Perfekt
Ferenc P. on 08/14/2024 They grew to a height of 130-140 cm, strong powerful plants
First time..
Simon K. on 08/09/2024 My First seed ..hope it will be and product on time..everything super..thx
Auto Northern lights
Maja P. on 07/31/2024 Really fast shipping, great packaging. Fingers crossed for the best results
antonijo s. on 05/26/2024 The same like mafia skunk. I am sad about that.
Kepe K. on 05/23/2024 Gyorsan nől.mintha egy nagy rügy lenne az egesz növèny. A magassaga igen változekony de mindent összevetve hozamban is jol teljesitet a várthoz kepest
Kepe K. on 05/23/2024 Meglepően gyorsan nől es kezd viragozni. Mintha nem is lenne vegetativ időszak. Jo volt vele dolgozni
Aida S. on 04/30/2024 Very fast delivery, interesting and elegant packaging. Very good and fertile seed. Already after the third day it germinated, after 5 days the plant emerged from the ground. I am very satisfied.
Régi kedvenc
Kovács K. on 04/28/2024 Várjuk a kifejlett példány mit produkál.
Тодор Т. on 04/14/2024 Много добър сорт и бързо расте...а най ми допада това, че почти няма миризма докато израства. Това е важно ако искаш да не бъдеш разкрит от комшиите
Goood genetics
Boyan V. on 04/12/2024 Really good genetics, i have 100% success rate with these.... The yeld is goood too, depends on your light though
Fantastic job, fast delivery!
Станислав Е. on 04/04/2024 Dear seedsmafia. thank you for this excellent seed, it's hardy and usable which is all i need. Keep up the good work! Much love!
Marco Z. on 03/26/2024 Very very strong plant, fast growing fast flowering.effect Is very strong
Patrik V. on 03/24/2024 I didnt yet plant this but the seeds look great and i have high expectations.
yield outdoor 70g per plant
Daniel M. on 03/14/2024 top seeds 12/12 , buds are full of crystals
Auto Northern Lights
Роксана Г. on 03/26/2025 I love the seeds. All came in good condition and well packed!So fast shipping
Mark H. on 12/12/2024 Sokan panaszkodnak magyarorszagon a magokra pedig nekem eddig mind sikerult. Koszonom seedsmaffia
Paid for Auto's Sold Photo's
Phillip E. on 12/06/2024

The girls grew out okay but after an excruciatingly long 75 days and not a single sign of them going into flower, I realized I was dealing with photo periods. I have just flipped them and they are only now showing signs of pre flower at day 80. Definitely don't trust this breeder and likely won't be buying anything from them going forward.


We assume it was a packaging error.
Please contact the support team -
These kinds of problems are resolved quickly.

very good
Stanimir S. on 10/21/2024 fast delivery, the genetics are good and weed is strong
Had 10
Daniel B. on 07/07/2024 Buyed them 2 years ago , all of them flowered
Ferenc K. on 06/30/2024 A hírhedt északi fény, remek hozam, remek íz
Great low-maintance strain.
Stier G. on 02/26/2024 As the title says. 2-3 days and the seed already begun to spread!!
The best
Bob B. on 06/08/2024 It was the best decision of my life to buy this seed
очень хорошо
Liviu A. on 04/24/2024 Пользуюсь в медицинских целях, снимает боль и расслабляет.
Yaroslav K. on 04/19/2024 Еще цветем, но я уже доволен. Все без проблем, навскидку будет грамм по 160 с растения.
Ostin C. on 04/16/2024 Calitatea produsului este excelentă.
Leo M. on 04/11/2024 Delivery is prompt, and ordering and payment are easy.
Коля Л. on 04/08/2024 Первый мой автоцвет да и вообще куст.
Nicu V. on 04/02/2024 Folosesc în scopuri medicinale, ameliorează durerea și relaxează.
it's ok
Shivam L. on 03/29/2024 Was worried about the delivery. Everything was confidential, they value their customers.
Serghei O. on 03/25/2024 Возбуждаешься только от одного аромата, мощный, но одновременно тонкий и сладкий.
Daniel M. on 02/12/2024 TOP
pff, e topul topului
Draga C. on 03/22/2024 Te simți încântat doar de la un singur parfum, puternic, dar în același timp subtil și dulce.
Scott C. on 03/18/2024 You get excited from just one scent — powerful yet subtle and sweet at the same time
Richárd B. on 02/04/2024 Good
nice quality
Parker P. on 03/16/2024 the seeds arrived when promised. I have no complaints
Thank you!!
Chris T. on 03/16/2024 I have purchased so many seeds from this place that I'm fully stocked. Fast shipping.
amazing quality
Mark M. on 03/16/2024 Great shipping items, and reasons prices as well.
thanks for best service
James B. on 03/16/2024 Seeds came quickly.
Good Classics
Miro D. on 01/19/2024 Works Not to strong But rich and recilliant
Hvala vam
Lovre L. on 03/16/2024 Hvala vam puno
Brza dostava
Lisjak D. on 03/16/2024 Brza dostava, paket je stigao u rekordnom roku.
Kupnja za poželiti
Boris M. on 03/16/2024 Kupnja za poželjeti, nema boljeg izbora. Preporuke
Rezultati vrh
Branko B. on 03/16/2024 Rezultati su vrh, biljke su donijele obilje plodova.
Besprijekorna Dostava
Višić V. on 03/16/2024 Super dostava, sve je bilo savršeno. :)
Iacov I. on 03/15/2024 Настроение поднимается сразу. Очень возбуждает.
Витя Т. on 03/13/2024 Растёт как бамбук
nu voi mai comanda
Safta S. on 03/10/2024

o samanta nesatisfacatoare

nu are ce trebuie
Marcu M. on 03/10/2024 nu mi-a placut
nu am ce zice impotriva
Bogy B. on 03/10/2024 thnaks
Cismaru C. on 03/10/2024 multumesc
Fanii indica o iubesc
Radu R. on 03/10/2024 De asta am si luat-o si va pot spune ca si eu sunt un fan :))
Tamas D. on 09/28/2023
Cserven T. on 08/15/2023 Great strainc good crop :-D
Top indica
Rostislav R. on 08/06/2023 Best indica
Jene R. on 03/07/2024 So far so good!
Marin H. on 03/05/2024 При разведении не имеет запаха. Это большой плюс.
O alegere inteleapta zic :)
Sasu S. on 03/04/2024 Perfecte!
Its really fine
Tézsla B. on 06/24/2023 Everything was fine quality as always
бързо доставено
Shkodrov R. on 03/04/2024 Пратката ми се забави и преди да успея да попитам, бях уведомен по имейл. Възнамерявах да започна някои семена този уикенд, но завършихме с времето, което така или иначе щеше да ме забави. Всичко се случва с причина! Много се вълнувам да изпробвам предястията за семена!
fastly delivered
R B. on 03/03/2024 My shipment was delayed and before I could inquire, I was notified by email. I intended to start some seeds that weekend but we ended up with weather that would have delayed me anyway. Everything happens for a reason! I’m very excited to try out the seed starters!
Лёня Л. on 03/01/2024 Не такой уж и мощный, но вкусный.
Popa M. on 02/28/2024 A sosit repede
Всем большого урожая!!!
Midoni I. on 02/25/2024 Все шикарно, Мафия спасибо за качество "деревьев". Надо скоро брать еще).
5 stars
Speedy B. on 02/25/2024 Really really impressed with it so far
Petrova L. on 02/23/2024 Пришло все быстро, раньше брал (жаль нельзя сфотографировать урожай и весь цикл,), все отлично.. Посмотрим дальше и добавлю...
kiváló magok
Nevtelen N. on 02/16/2024

kiváló magok megfizethető árak

Bence M. on 04/11/2023 Vao
Tudor D. on 02/14/2024 Raapid calitativ, recomand cu încredere
B S. on 02/10/2024 Супер як
Az első
Tibor V. on 04/12/2023 Nagyon jó korai, jó hozam és illat!
Vrelo odporúčam túto stránku
M. K. on 12/20/2022 môj prvý nákup a pestovanie, zatiaľ úplný úspech, 3/3 vyklíčili
Sjajan tim!
Domag M. on 12/07/2022 Volio sam svaki soj koji sam kupio od tebe tijekom godina.
Ajánlom !!!
Gurbai G. on 11/15/2022 WoW
This is a lovely strain!
Michael N. on 10/05/2022 This is a lovely strain it reminds me of original northern lights back in the day The buds are nice and tight and the smell is divine and its really sticky and oily I popped 2 seeds both germinated within 20 hours!!!
Still a seedling
Ivan B. on 10/11/2020 Growing well for now but we'll see
Nice strain
Виктор В. on 12/16/2019 I can say strong Gens, had grown fast with smooth taste
проверка ;)
Тимур М. on 10/15/2018 первый опыт проведу наверное на этом сорте
Приветствую Вас
Роман А. on 10/15/2018 Очень понравился вкус и аромат, есть гашишный и аромат благовоний, сила-выше среднего, прёт хорошо, советую любителям вкусностей!
Тимур В. on 10/15/2018 Как и другие сорта продающиеся здесь, auto Nl имеет разные фенотипы, но достойные по качеству.
Качеством доволен.
Фёдор А. on 10/15/2018 Из автоцветов пробывал много чего, но auto NL понравился больше других
Борис Б. on 10/15/2018 отпишите кто покупал как штука??
Ilie M. on 10/15/2018 Toate produsele au sosit în siguranță, ori de câte ori am comandat.
Silviu T. on 10/15/2018 procur deja a doua oară Northen Light Feminizat
Doru I. on 10/15/2018 Serviciu de necrezut, semințe sunt cele mai bune din toată lumea.
Mihai N. on 10/15/2018 Servicii excelente și foarte receptive la întrebări!
Alex P. on 10/15/2018 Semințele au ajuns rapid și discret.
I have a question ???
Zach W. on 10/15/2018 Can the seeds be damaged by sitting in a mailbox in the heat?
George A. on 10/15/2018 So glad I found your site. Good info is always appreciated.
:) :) :)
Scott E. on 10/15/2018 I'm very happy!
Gary G. on 10/15/2018 My order arrived earlier than expected
Ian H. on 10/15/2018 I've purchased from other vendors but this has been my best experience so far!
Northern Light
Marko P. on 03/21/2016

Smells good, taste good and the flavour is good.I can recommend this strain..Very quick,cheap and discrete shipping.100% germination.

de la mag
Finn M. on 07/04/2015

E practic fara miros, souvenir fara probleme)


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