Auto Afghan Kush Feminized

Auto Afghan Kush Feminized

Auto Afghan Kush Feminized is a 100% pure Indica strain. This auto-feminized hybrid has two genetic “parents” – selective Ruderalis and Hindu Kush strain. It makes this breed extremely popular among both seasoned marijuana growers and complete beginners. These exceptional marijuana seeds are fast growers and give an impressive yield. It doesn’t matter if you grow the strain in a greenhouse or indoors, over the two months of appropriate care, this plant will reward you with a generous harvest (up to approximately 400 grams from one bush per season).

пол растения.png Sex: Feminized
Autoflowering seeds: YES

Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse 

Height: 80-150 cm
Yield: 400 gr. per plant
Flowering time: 45-55 days
 Complete life cycle: 55 days after planting
Cannabis Genetics: Hindu Kush x Ruderalis
THC: 22%
Type: Indica

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4.70 €

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Special Characteristics Auto Afghan Kush

As a result of excellent selection, this strain has a short vegetation period, which makes the process of growing and receiving high-quality resin much easier.

  • Strain type – auto-flowering, feminized.
  • THC concentration – 22%.
  • The plant reaches up to 80-centimeter height indoors and up to 150 centimeters being grown outdoors.
  • Yield – up to 400 grams from one bush per season.
  • Complete flowering cycle – 55 days.

How Auto Afghan Kush grows

Compact height makes it possible to grow this strain in confined spaces. Before buying cannabis seeds, a grower should get some pots for planting. Because this plant is not very stress-resilient, most growers recommend planting seeds straight into the pots, where the plants will grow without replanting.

The planting soil should be thoroughly warmed up. And to achieve steady development, the plant requires a good amount of sunlight. If you choose indoors growing, the lack of natural light should be compensated for by installing special lamps.

The vegetation period is relatively short. After it, the bush goes into a flowering phase that lasts up to 2 months.

What Auto Afghan Kush looks like

These auto-flowering marijuana seeds form a compact culture. The plant’s dense, branched-out structure looks like a Christmas tree. Auto Afghan Kush Feminized grows rapidly, and when it reaches the flowering period, it forms dense and very resinous buds.

Effect, aroma and flavor

This plant’s genetics present the smoker with notes of citrus fruit with a spicy aroma and a soft hint of wood. The taste is intense, typical for pure Afghan breeds. On the exhalation, this strain’s smoke is pleasant and flavorful. The fruity, citrusy aftertaste pleasantly teases the receptors.

This marijuana breed promotes relaxation, relieves tension after a long workday, helps to recover emotional balance, and to get rid of mental exhaustion. The dried buds are extremely THC-potent, so beginners should consume them with caution, in small quantities, taking breaks between smokes. This strain also stimulates appetite.

Ideal for

This cannabis hybrid is not considered medicinal, but it is used to treat insomnia and fatigue. European medical professionals sometimes prescribe Afghan Kush for headaches, depression, eating disorders, anxiety, and muscle spasms.

It is recommended as a supplemental treatment for cancer and chemotherapy rehabilitation.

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Top buds, great quality indica
Mariyan K. on 02/04/2025 Nice indica
X M. on 11/01/2024 I'm really looking forward to the result
Milán r. on 10/30/2024 Very nice
Very fast
Kiril I. on 10/08/2024 It came very fast and it's
The best
Silvio V. on 10/04/2024 Legend of cannabis
Emocija u biljci
Ive H. on 08/23/2024 Super lagana sorta za uzgojit, podnosi velike vrućine i kiše odličan outdoor automat koji je relativno brzo gotov, izgled je famozan a za pušenje daje predivne efekte opuštenosti
All 5+1 Started
Кристиян А. on 08/21/2024 I'm really happy that ALL seeds show up
Nice product
Adriana S. on 08/07/2024 Item as described and was shipped quick
Kush fem.
Jurica J. on 06/12/2024 Top sjeme brz rast visok prinos
Teljesen jó
Ferenc K. on 05/09/2024 Minden elvárások szerint
Andrei M. on 04/19/2024 A ieșit ceva superb după o așteptare minunată
Kepe K. on 04/17/2024 Gyorsan megjött. Köszönöm. Nagyon varom hogy felnőljön.
Minden oké
Brigitta S. on 04/16/2024 Minden rendben gyors és pontos szállítás.
Very fast
Marco Z. on 03/26/2024 This plant Is very fast, 50 dys good production
Veliko M. on 03/16/2024 perfect seeds
Már többször rendeltem nagyon jó!
Roland B. on 03/16/2024 Már többször rendeltem nagyon jó!
Auto Afghan Kush
Димитър Д. on 03/17/2025 Perfect buds Fast delivery
Mark H. on 12/04/2024 Igazi O.G fajta. Nagyon hatasos izletes es szagos ez az lany minden elismeresem
purple one
Красимир М. on 11/30/2024 Силно и отпускащо. Стана светловиолетово. Приятен, лечебен ефект.
If you want good ganja take it!
 on 11/24/2024 TAKE IT! TAKE IT! TAKE IT!
auto afgan
Ali M. on 11/15/2024 from 1-10 10 for growing very good experience nice quality
Fast and easy to plant
Lucija L. on 09/25/2024 Amazing quality
J. Adam
Márton S. on 08/04/2024 Very fast seeds very good
Very marketed
Daniel B. on 07/07/2024 Healthy plant , big seeds , indica is the best , no arguing there
Norbert N. on 05/27/2024 My Best type. So beautiful seeds & plant. Gratulation Sm.
Рекомендую афганку
Ярик К. on 04/24/2024 Подойдёт для новичков неприхотлив
a crescut bine
Eduard L. on 04/22/2024 Exact ceea ce doream, pentru a mă relaxa. Și livrarea atât de rapidă.
Davy F. on 04/19/2024 Perfect for a friendly gathering.
Micu T. on 04/13/2024 Хорошо расслабляет после напряженного дня, помогает избавится от переутомления.
Ion L. on 04/11/2024 Am simțit o stare generală de ușurință atât fizică, cât și emoțională.
Laurel R. on 04/04/2024 Helps to relax well after a busy day, helps to relieve fatigue.
Mihai O. on 04/02/2024 Быстрая и эффективная доставка
Марат Г. on 03/27/2024 Я начинающий) Сложно сказать
good job
James V. on 03/25/2024 Fast and efficient delivery.
Mangos R. on 03/20/2024 Хорошо, но необходимо сажать семена прямо в горшки
Лев Л. on 03/18/2024 се пришло быстро с подарками
Много благодаря!
Ahmedov A. on 03/17/2024 Много впечатлен
Stoyan S. on 03/17/2024 Лесно за начинаещи. Добри добиви. Мощен и вкусен
Добро обслужване
Krasimir K. on 03/17/2024 добри семена, благодарение на персонала на семената мафия
семената са добри
Kiril T. on 03/16/2024 Хубав дим с афганистански куш
Miroslav Y. on 02/02/2024 Easy to grow :)
Many thanks!
Larry F. on 03/16/2024 Very impressed
Mark G. on 03/16/2024 Easy for beginners. Good yields. Potent and delicious
Good service
John E. on 03/16/2024 VERY NICE SEEDS
seeds are good
Daniels R. on 03/16/2024 Nice smoke with afghan kush
Пламен Ц. on 12/11/2023 Very good
Zadovoljan sam
Delić J. on 03/16/2024 Zadovoljan sam s uslugom, nema zamjerki.
Hvala puno
Mladen C. on 03/16/2024 Hvala puno na brzoj dostavi, iznimno sam zadovoljan.
Bez mane
Belošević I. on 03/16/2024 Bez mane, brza dostava, sve je prošlo super.
Ante G. on 03/16/2024 Sjajno iskustvo s dostavom
Tomislav F. on 03/16/2024 Što mi rekli, i miris i okus haha, sve najbolje za ove ljude, najbolji ste definitivno. Svaki put se iznenadim koliko je sve dobro!
Александър П. on 11/18/2023 Super
seminte afghan
Liviu P. on 03/13/2024 Recomand, Super Serviciu , în ziua urmatoare nici nu am terminar cafeaua si curierul mi-a înmînat ~Suvenirurile~
Maxim F. on 03/09/2024 Хорошо, но необходимо сажать семена прямо в горшки
Nagyon köszi!
Gábor G. on 03/09/2024 Brávó
Cser C. on 03/09/2024 Kezdőknek jó választás. Hatásos és finom
Kiváló szolgáltatás
Csuka C. on 03/09/2024 NAGYON SZÉP MAGOK
a magok jók
Csizmazia C. on 03/09/2024 Szép füstje van
Kany K. on 03/09/2024 Ezzel a növénnyel nagy sikert arattam
Lari P. on 07/27/2023 Nešto najjače smak jakoo
Super happy
Dimitar G. on 07/24/2023 They turned out to be what i expected - the best
слов нет
Глеб Н. on 03/05/2024 т вызывает невероятное чувство расслабления и приносит мягкое, уютное удовольствие.
Antonio P. on 07/15/2023 10
Lari P. on 07/07/2023 congratulations good seed quality
Lari P. on 07/07/2023 congratulations good seed quality
Aroma clasica
Florin F. on 03/04/2024 Daca iti place kush-ul, atunci asta e aroma perfecta pentru tine! Cu siguranta iti va placea si asta!
семена хорошие
Газиев Г. on 03/04/2024 Хороший дым с афганским кушем
Сергиенко С. on 03/04/2024 Я завершил свой первый выращивание этого растения, его очень легко выращивать.
Zsolt M. on 06/20/2023 Thank you
Gergo M. on 06/17/2023 best
planta frumoasă
Liviu P. on 03/03/2024 foarte frumoasă, cu gust plăcut, efect plăcut și creștere foarte rapidă, una dintre cele mai bune pe care le-am încercat până acum
Petko P. on 03/03/2024 Завърших първото си отглеждане с това растение, много е лесно за отглеждане..
Newman N. on 03/03/2024 I have completed my first grow with this plant, it's very easy to grow..
George L. on 02/28/2024 Always one of my old school favorites and love they offer this strain
Verry good
Timis C. on 05/27/2023 Verry good
Все три разных размеров
Sokol V. on 02/28/2024 Растут на радость всей планеты
Alex V. on 05/13/2023 exciting times ahead :)
Даниел Н. on 05/08/2023 Super E Colleagues
Olteanu A. on 05/06/2023
TOP !!!
Зоя М. on 05/04/2023 Thanks I received it and really like your products:)
afghana facec treaba
Leva G. on 02/25/2024 O plăcere să crești. Nici o problemă. Plante sănătoase, muguri mari, fum puternic.
Nasiona konopi od Afghan są po prostu niesamowite!
Jakub J. on 02/25/2024 Mają szeroki wybór odmian, z których każda przynosi imponujące efekty. Moje doświadczenia z ich nasionami były zawsze doskonałe. Obsługa klienta jest również na najwyższym poziomie. Polecam każdemu!
Serhii S. on 04/18/2023 Хорошего по немного это сорт просто бомба …советую..
I will buy again
Migley M. on 02/21/2024 A nice, pleasant anxiety relief high with very little mental clouding. Will grow this one again.
eLBé T. on 04/18/2023 Komoly lesz remelem
Top-notch selection and service
Petar S. on 02/15/2024 Great seeds, fast delivery, Easy to order, nice customer support!!!
Krivec S. on 02/14/2024 Odlična izbira semen in zelo hitra dostava. Priporočam ta trgovina
Attila K. on 02/12/2024 Legend!
Adriano K. on 04/07/2023 Seeds are very fresh and well packed. I'm very satisfied!
very good
Димитър Н. on 03/27/2023 very good
Йордан З. on 03/25/2023
Afghan kush
Endrodi A. on 03/16/2023 Very good
Tibor V. on 06/06/2023 beautiful and strong!

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4.70 €
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