How do you properly keep the seeds?

How do you properly keep the seeds?

How do you properly keep the seeds?

         SeedsMafia is trying to offer the best services in the field. Because of that, we decided to make this article on how should you stash your seed so you can plant them later.


If you follow our instruction your seed can last up to a few years.

         To start with, why would you want to keep them conserved? First off, if you don t plant the right away and you keep them in improper conditions they can start to germinate or event alter. Second off, in some of the countries marijuana, respectively, cannabis are illegal, but according to the law, the seeds are not. That means is safer to keep them like that if you don t want to have problems with police.


          Now that we got that into place is time to discuss what the title of this article says. Let’s jump right into it.

          The vital factors that influence the preservation of the seeds are:


  3. LIGHT



          The cannabis seeds like any other seeds are living organism. At the moment they find themselves in a place with enough humidity they start to germinate. From this very reason, you should deposit them in a room with a very low grade of humidity. It must be around 9-10%

Under no circumstance, you should keep them in a normal room!

            The grade of moisture in the air in a room basic room can easily go over 25% which will destroy any chance of depositing the seed.

            We recommend one of the easiest and cheaper methods you can use. That is putting them in some plastic containers filled with rice or silicon crystals. For a more organized and well-preserved stash, you can try some Eppendorf tubes.


Seeds must be kept at a low temperature, about 6° C. If they undergo fluctuation of temperature they will spoil or even germinate if the temperature goes over 20°C.            To avoid this disaster simply put the container with the seed in a fridge (preferable with ”no-frost” technology). It's the best option as long as you don t open the fridge door too often. 


             Another important factor is light. This like the others can kick the process of germinating or alter the product.

         You must keep your seeds in dark containers or dark places. If they are exposed to light and survive they will lose a big part of the nutrients and you 'll have a bad harvest.

Run from the light like a vampire

            Other possible threats 

            Insects – if one of these little guys get s in your stash you re doomed. An easy way to avoid this is to use some natural insecticides and clean the depositing place before using it.            

            Rodents – if by mistake you leave your box with seeds open or you leave them on the floor, any rat or raccoon will have a feast. All of this can be avoided by exerting some caution.                        

Thank you for your time. Have a nice day!

Posted on 03/19/2021 by SeedsMafia Home, Seeds news, Cannabis News 38481

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