Auto Bruce Banner Feminized

Auto Bruce Banner Feminized

Auto Bruce Banner is a feminized strain which is dominated by sativa. The strain was obtained by crossing the legendary OG Kush with Strawberry Diesel and the elite Ruderalis clone. Marijuana seeds have a lush blooming, generous harvest, easy to germinate and reach their flowering period quickly.They are easy to care for. The aroma has earthy, light citrus notes and has a distinct berry flavor. Strain is a good relaxant, relieves stress, improves concentration.

пол растения.png Sex: Feminized
Autoflowering seeds: YES

Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse 

Height: 110-150 cm
Yield: 600 gr per m2
Flowering time: 10 - 11 weeks
 Complete life cycle: 12 - 13 weeks
Cannabis Genetics: OG Kush x Strawberry Diesel x Ruderalis clone
THC: 24%
Type: Sa/Ru

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5.60 €

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Average rating: 10/10 - Number of reviews: 70
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Buy Auto Bruce Banner Feminized cannabis seeds inexpensively with maximum productivity in open and closed soils

This autoflowering monster, with strong genetics, features lush blooms and generous yields. The plant is not finicky and does not require special knowledge to grow, therefore it is popular among both professional cultivators and growers with no experience. Resinous and aromatic, the resin produced can be used for hemp oil production.

What's special about the variety

- It is a tall plant that reaches 110 - 150 cm.

- It will flower for ---- days and produce up to 600 g/m2 of resinous, bright green buds.

- The buds are compact and have few leaves.

- After germination, hemp seeds emit a strong smell with fruity notes.

- With minimal drying, the product is tasty and enjoyable and does not need a long exposure period.

How Auto Bruce Banner Feminized grows

You can also grow marijuana at home, because it responds well to pruning. This way you can control its size. But outdoors, cannabis reaches its full potential and gives you a bigger cones harvest. In order to improve their quality, experienced growers recommend training with SOG and SCROG methods.

Effect, aroma and taste

How does Auto Bruce Banner Feminized cannabis work: The dried cone has a rich and bright fruit aroma, berry taste, sweet, and light smoke. At first, it may seem too harsh for an inexperienced smoker. But over time, the smoke relaxes you, and your body is filled with warmth, positive emotions and energy. The smoking effect lasts up to 4 hours, and even after it is over, you will feel a slight weightlessness and dizziness. It is better to smoke it in the evening to fall asleep and relax as much as possible.

Who is Auto Bruce Banner Feminized suitable for

This kind of cannabis is suitable for creative people, because a person goes into a euphoric state after smoking, he has bright thoughts and a desire to create. Can you smoke just for relaxation? Of course, you can, because this strain is used for medical purposes to get rid of nausea, reduce pain syndrome, improve appetite and establish a healthy sleep.

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bruce banner auto
Arturs V. on 10/18/2024 Medium height plant. very resilient, was able to withsdand my newbie mistakes well. strong stuff effectwise as well.
Norbert H. on 09/12/2024 That is good product. En good shipping. Thank u !
Bro Bro
Georgi Z. on 07/07/2024 Good quality and more than enough production
Great Strain
Dragomir K. on 06/19/2024 Very good strain, always yields a lot and has high THC
Looking forward
Gary S. on 05/10/2024 Havent got them in dirt yet but will in 4 weeks. But I can say, SeedMafia is legit, experienced, professional and just a great bunch of people. I wont go anywhere else. Love ya guys
Jobbat vártam
Ferenc K. on 05/09/2024 Lehet volna jobb is
Ferenc K. on 05/09/2024 Nem a legjobb, kicsi és gyenge szár lett
The autos were great
Jakov P. on 04/10/2024 Autos were great so I think this one can only be better
Good seeds good yield
Jakov P. on 04/10/2024 What a potent strain with good yields
Lili H. on 04/08/2024 Im very satisfied!
Bruce Banner
Роксана Г. on 03/26/2025 Easy to grow, I bought as my first and I loved every moment of growing it.
Auto Bruce Banner
Димитър Д. on 03/17/2025 Fast delivery
Papp R. on 02/20/2025 Nem nagy, inkább közepes! Jó bírja a külterület szeszélyèt
Georgi T. on 01/02/2025
Epic strain
Lucija L. on 01/01/2025 Fast grow and best quality
good strain
Ali M. on 11/15/2024 thnaks for the seeds
József K. on 08/08/2024 Viszonylag magasra nő. Budjai szellősebbek. Illata kitölti a teret. Effektje erős, gyorsan jön, de viszonylag gyorsan is megy (45p)
Daniel B. on 07/07/2024 Big leaves , very fast grower , high thc
Very good website
Драгомир К. on 06/18/2024 Great website, they always respond quickly and the prices are great.
Valentin P. on 04/22/2024 Поначалу неопытному курильщику это может показаться слишком резким. Но со временем дым расслабляет.
Acesta era exact ceea ce căutam.
Ovidiu F. on 04/19/2024 Este bine că am ales acest soi, efectul este durabil și puternic.
Nlorman K. on 04/13/2024 Freshness and pleasant aftertaste.
Demian C. on 04/11/2024 Отдельное спасибо сотрудникам компании за качество предоставляемых услуг. Приятные в общении и ориентированы на то, чтобы заказчик был удовлетворен полностью.
малышка бомба
Василий К. on 04/04/2024 Неприхотливый, урожайный, хорошо откликается на подкормку
easy grow
Matt T. on 04/02/2024 To an inexperienced smoker at first, this may seem too harsh. But over time, the smoke becomes more relaxing.
top seeds
Daniel M. on 02/15/2024 top seeds
Dan C. on 03/27/2024 Вкусный и приятный продукт. Сладкий и легкий дымок.
Один не поклюнулся.
Тимофей П. on 03/25/2024 2 норм растут
Sandu F. on 03/20/2024 Produsul are un gust plăcut și delicios. Fumul este dulce și ușor.
Daniel O. on 03/18/2024 Эти семена дают щедрый урожай, не привередливо, особых навыков и знаний по выращиванию не требует
страхотно преживяване
Mirchev A. on 03/17/2024 Добивът беше добър.
fast shipping
David F. on 03/16/2024 Super nice!! Super strong!!
thank you guyss!
Jose R. on 03/16/2024 5 stars one of best
excellent service
Gill A. on 03/16/2024 The high from this strain is very euphoric and mellow.
great experience
Daniel D. on 03/16/2024 Yield was good (outdoor operation)
Lovro B. on 12/21/2023
Mirko Ž. on 03/16/2024 Divni ste a biljke još divnije, ukus ove sorte fantastičan
Stipić S. on 03/16/2024 Hvala ljepa
Vrhunski Proizvodi
Stjepan R. on 03/16/2024 Hvala vam puno vrhunski proizvodi jako lijepo biljke rastu, naručujem još
Fantastično Iskustvo
Domazet S. on 03/16/2024 Sve pohvale
Super Sjemenke
Branko M. on 03/16/2024 Hvala na izvrsnoj pošiljci
Магнус Х. on 03/13/2024 Растил в первый раз , много где накосячил , но кустик все выдержал
Enea G. on 10/24/2023 Amazing items, fast delivery, simply everything you want, definitely will buy again
e bun
Valeriu B. on 03/09/2024 Aceste semințe dau o recoltă generoasă, nu sunt pretențioase, nu necesită abilități și cunoștințe speciale în cultivare.
Ütős cucc
Antal A. on 03/09/2024 Szuper Szupererős
Hollósi H. on 03/09/2024 5 csillag ez az egyik legjobb
János J. on 03/09/2024 Nagyon jó fless
Szuper élmény.
Weisz W. on 03/09/2024 A hozam jó volt (kint termesztettem)
Vannak jobbak is
Dózsa D. on 03/09/2024 Ez a törzs gyorsan megnő, de az íze és a hatása nem ötcsillagos.
Eldar K. on 03/07/2024 WOW 10/10
Rezultate bune
Bokor F. on 03/04/2024 Nu am avut probleme cu ele! Chiar mi-au placut!
Бонд арёв Б. on 03/04/2024 Этот штамм быстрый, но вкус и эффект не на пять звезд.
Ivan Y. on 03/04/2024 Този щам е бърз, но вкусът и ефектът не са пет звезди.
эталон как по мне
Дима К. on 03/03/2024 Воздействие счастливый стоун, когда витаешь в своих мечтах, отключаешься от проблем и просто отдыхаешь часа 3 к ряду.
M D. on 03/03/2024 This strain is fast, but the taste and effect is not five stars.
Roman L. on 06/01/2023 Product arrived in short time seeds are the best quality,really thankful for your service
Dan B. on 03/01/2024 faza vegetală puternică, structura plantei este o tranziție fermă, lină în înflorire și prezintă o dezvoltare excelentă până acum, încă ceva timp până la finalizare, dar așteaptă cu nerăbdare să vad cum va fi acest lucru în următoarele două săptămâni.
Swiss Balcony
John Mark B. on 06/01/2023 Great
Gruber J. on 05/18/2023 Werry good
top one
Inogen C. on 02/28/2024 Seed popped quickly and it grew really well
В голову бьет неплохо
Sincu I. on 02/25/2024 3 раза брал и 2 из них по две семки умерли пророщенные в стакане((( как то печально и жалко ростиков от этого.
Просто шикарно !!!
Вадик П. on 02/21/2024 Однозначно советую вырастить этот сорт абсолютно всем, кого интересует веселая трава. оказывает сативный эффект . А растить его одно удовольствие, вообще проще простого. Не капризный, только не переносит сильной жары и обилия подкормок. Всего в меру, и будет гуууд. Рос быстро и до конца харвеста не останавливался. Поэтому пришлось делать СКРОГ. Урожайность действительно достигает 600 грамм! Три куста под скрогом под LED 400 Вт на веге и ДНаТ 500 Вт на цвете в режиме 20/4, общий урожай 1.8кг. Эффект накатывает спустя минут 10-15. Сначала расслабление и чувство волнения, а через пару минут накрывает волной эйфории и беззаботности. По неосторожности добавил еще в первый раз и вместо кайфа словил тревожность и головную боль. А вкус у него сладкий, там еще ягоды, кислинка, пикантные ноты дизеля.
10 stars
A O. on 02/16/2024

everything went as expected. Fast delivery!

Bence M. on 04/11/2023 Vao
satisfied customer, thank you
Vukojević S. on 02/14/2024 satisfied customer, thank you
B S. on 02/10/2024 Отлично качество
Erős növény
Bokor A. on 03/31/2023 Ez a törzs határozottan a kerekes házamba kerül, nagyon vaskos rügyek, erős növény!
Great genetics!
Langovskis A. on 03/31/2023 Great strain to grow and also to smoke
I will definitely grow it again
I S. on 03/17/2023 I was extremely excited for this high-yielding strain! Amazzzzzzing
Велик щам!!!
Yavor P. on 03/13/2023 Благодаря за щастливо отглеждане и страхотна генетика!

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