It is legal to buy cannabis seeds in Bulgaria. Each country separately regulates this market and determines the position to take on the distribution of this plant and its seeds. In the USA, for example, the cultivation of industrial hemp was legalised in 2018. Just like all other things, the situation with this plant changes quite frequently. An interesting fact is that in the US, the early colonists were obliged by the state to grow crops of hemp. In 1619, the Jamestown Colony Act decreed that all settlers must grow Indian hemp. This law remained in effect for centuries, and even between 1763 and 1769, refusal to grow hemp in Virginia meant imprisonment. It wasn't until the 20th century that its cultivation became illegal.
Why have they grown Indian hemp?
Although hemp is now mainly associated with smoking, it was once grown for very different purposes. Hemp seeds, for example, have a huge supply of nutrients in their composition. The stalk of the plant was used to make textiles, which were used for rope, paper and even clothing.
Unlike hemp, cannabis remains illegal in the US. However, many Americans find a way to incorporate marijuana seeds into their diet because of the health benefits they bring. We'll see what those benefits are below.
But what actually are marijuana seeds?
When we say "marijuana seeds", we mean cannabis seeds in general. In terms of basic nutritional benefits, there is no noticeable difference between hemp seeds and cannabis seeds. Marijuana seeds do not contain cannabinoids. You will find these in the flower, stems and leaves, but not in the seeds. There is a big difference in the medicinal properties of the plant and the seeds.
Most of the medicinal properties of marijuana come from the presence of active cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. Because marijuana seeds do not have cannabinoids, they are not actively used for medicinal purposes. However, they compensate for this through their composition, which contains omega fatty acids and proteins. There is even a myth that this plant can help treat cancer.
Can you eat marijuana seeds? Yes, you can. We'll give you the top 5 reasons why it's good for your health.
Reason 1: High content of natural, easily digestible proteins
Most nutrition experts claim that plant-based proteins are healthier and easier for the body to digest than animal-based proteins. A study by Budhathoki et al. published in JAMA in August 2019 compared the consumption of animal and plant-based proteins.
The researchers looked at the health records of more than 130,000 people over thirty years. They found that people who did not consume animal protein had significantly lower mortality rates than those who regularly consumed meat. Also, for every 3% increase in plant protein and calorie intake, the risk of death was reduced by 10%.
Marijuana seeds are one of the best sources of natural plant protein you can find. That's why farmers around the world have been using cannabis "mush" to feed their livestock before it became illegal. Many fighters and boxers start their mornings with a dose of hemp seeds before they step into the gym.
Reason 2: It can help you lose weight
Diets including cannabis seeds can help people both gain and lose weight. Marijuana seeds are full of vitamins (vitamin E) as well as minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc). They also contain proteins that can keep you fuller for longer.
On the other hand, they are good for helping you eat healthy if you are determined to gain weight. Whether you want a nutritious snack or a food that will keep your muscle mass up, cannabis seeds will do the trick. They have a pleasant nutty taste that you can add to anything, including mixing them with yogurt.
Reason 3: Contain omega-3 fatty acids
Human beings do not naturally produce Omega-3 fatty acids, they have to get them from external sources. Some scientists claim that hemp seeds have the richest source of natural omega acids in the entire plant kingdom. This means that the amount in them is more than chia seeds, walnuts and flaxseeds. Omega-3 fatty acids help promote memory, improve brain function and heart function. A little known fact is that these acids are actually involved in protein production as well.
Reason 4: They help heart function
Diets high in omega acids reduce blood pressure, which means that consuming cannabis seeds will improve heart function. You'll reduce your risk of blood clots and stroke. The presence of arginine in cannabis seeds relaxes and dilates blood vessels. Thanks precisely to this ingredient, the seeds reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of heart attack.
There are even studies where hemp seeds help in recovery after a heart attack. The heart is also helped by the gamma-linoleic acid content, which reduces inflammation. Thus, marijuana seeds help with inflammation of the heart or surrounding cardiovascular tissue.
Reason 5: Prevents disease
Regularly consuming marijuana seeds is a great way to prevent disease and promote overall whole-body health. It reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and other psychological conditions. In theory, the seeds should help mental health as much as they help physical health.
Marijuana seeds are the only plant food sources that contain every single amino acid necessary for human survival. Some nutritional gurus claim that these seeds are the most complete food source in the world.
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